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5 Times Community Brilliantly Broke the Fourth Wall, Ranked

5 Times Community Brilliantly Broke the Fourth Wall, Ranked
Image credit: Legion-Media

Community is considered the most meta comedy show on television to this day for a reason.

Let's talk about the five best fourth-wall breaks on the show.

5. The Ultimate Roast of Jeff

In the season 2 premiere, Britta and Jeff step it up a notch, trying to best each other in their we're-in-love game.

Abed isn't amused by their behavior at first, but then he decides to do his part to speed things up by announcing (and then canceling) "a wedding episode" featuring Jeff and Britta.

Jeff gets mad at him for not knowing the difference between reality and television and calls his gimmick "very season 1."

Abed says that he does because "TV has a likable leading man" and in life they have Jeff. Ouch!

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4. This Is the Movie (Well, Duh!)

Remember when Shirley asked Abed to help make a Jesus movie to get more people into religion? That didn't go well. In the episode, Abed goes haywire and turns into a Jesus-like figure of filmmaking himself.

When he and Shirley are discussing the plot, Abed pitches his idea, which Shirley doesn't like, causing her to storm off.

Abed basically goes, "Eureka!" when he realizes the perfect angle for the movie. He says, "This is the movie" and stares into the camera. Chills!

3. To Be Continued… (Said Out Loud)

Season 3 gave us an amazing two-parter about the pillow-fort-against-blanket-fort war, which was stylized as Ken Burns' documentary, The Civil War. The first episode builds up the tension and ends on an unresolved note.

The two sides take a short break and part ways, so the episode finishes off with Abed and Troy staring into each other's eyes from a distance before Abed finally says, "To be continued…"

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2. So Finishing Sentences Is for Suckers?

In season 1, Jack Black makes a cameo appearance as the new and eager student Buddy, who desperately wants to be a part of the study group.

At the beginning of the episode, he explains to them why they need to let him in, saying that they are just "scared that adding a new member might throw everything off of its natural… [course]."

Before Buddy has a chance to finish his sentence, the theme song ironically begins to play.

1. The Bottle Episode of All Bottle Episodes

Of course, the crown goes to the season 2 episode, Cooperative Calligraphy. We think all shows should just strive to make their bottle episodes at least half as good as this one.

The episode is full of subtle and not-so-subtle meta humor, but Abed's self-critical line about how he hates bottle episodes because they are emotionally based and how he can just sit in a corner with a bucket on his head is just *chef's kiss*.

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We bet Abed himself would agree with our picks. After all, it is his gimmick. Cool, cool, cool.