5 TV Shows That Started Out Wacky, But Got Only Better With Time

That is why the first-season cancellations need to stop.
When you try something new, it's quite likely that you will fail the first time. And that's totally okay and shouldn't be taken as a sign that you should stop because every master perfects their skills over time.
Of course, TV show production is a little different because there are a lot of professionals working together on a big product. However, sometimes they struggle with the same thing and create something that can be improved.
Here are five shows that didn't start out strong but were given a second chance to prove themselves — and they didn't disappoint.
The 100
The fact that the show has lasted seven years is proof enough that it was worth it. However, the first episodes left many viewers with raised eyebrows. It was just too hard to get into the show that felt so over-the-top and intense from the start.
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
If you've started watching the show and found the early episodes to be a little lacking and secretive, there's a reason for that. At the time of its release, the series had to work around all the spoilers for Marvel's Captain America: The Winter Soldier. But once that was over, the Agents got their chance to shine.
What is now known as one of the greatest sitcoms, which has also given the industry such a talented actor as Chris Pratt, didn't have so many positive reviews at first. It takes a while for the show to win your heart, but once you're hooked, you just can't stop watching.
Arrow is an example of a superhero show that is hard to get into without knowing anything about the main character's background. At the beginning, the writers didn't do a very good job of showing off Green Arrow's unique abilities, so many viewers just didn't bother to stick around and learn more.
This may be a blast from the past if you start watching the show now, but back in the day, Buffy's first season was considered one of the worst seasons ever made on television. With a weak villain, a lot of inconsistencies and a low budget, the series managed to turn it all around and create a true masterpiece that got better with every season that followed.