5 Worst Things Grey’s Anatomy’s Meredith Did, and Everyone Forgave Her, Ranked

Grey’s Anatomy’s titular character is no angel. Let’s remember Meredith Grey’s worst moments, shall we? Here are five horrible things Meredith did, and everyone was totally
Grey’s Anatomy’s titular character is no angel. Let’s remember Meredith Grey’s worst moments, shall we?
Here are five horrible things Meredith did, and everyone was totally okay with it.
5. When She Literally Sympathized with a Murderer
Remember when a murderer arrived at the hospital with head trauma and most of the doctors tried to do their best to cure the guy so that he would live to serve his time in prison? Meredith wasn’t one of those sane doctors – no, she just wanted to help the guy kick the bucket and avoid jail time.
4. When She Continuously Neglected Lexie
Lexie made her debut in season 3 and died in season 8, meaning that Meredith had five full seasons to stop being a jerk to her sister. Lexie didn’t deserve everything she had to put up with, and it’s a real shame that Meredith had only started being nice to her right before Lexie tragically died. That’s a missed opportunity right there.
3. When She Used Finn and Wasn’t Sorry about It
Finn is not the only person who got hurt in Meredith and Derek’s shenanigans, but we all felt for him. Finn’s intentions were so pure, and it really sucked to see Meredith walk all over him time and time again when she knew perfectly well that Derek was the only guy for her. Poor sweet Finn!
2. When She Screwed Up Derek’s Alzheimer’s Trial
That was a new low even for Meredith. We get that she was trying to help Adele, but as a doctor, she really should’ve known better. Curing one person and condemning a hundred others is not worth it. Plus, she had the audacity to use the “it’s complicated” excuse and paint Derek as the bad guy. Not cool.
1. When She Decided to Shut Out Derek’s Family
Meredith always takes on too much, and yet the way she acted when Derek was dying was the epitome of her selfishness. Derek may not have been close with his family, but they had a right to know that he was on life support and to have a chance to say goodbye to him before it was already too late.
Meredith Grey is one complex character, but she has done more harm than good.