6 Horror Gems Reddit Wants to Unwatch (Only to Watch Again for the First Time)

We bet you haven’t seen them all, so get some popcorn!
If you still think that horrors offer nothing more than a number of jumpscares, here is a list for you. There are 6 gems that are so perfect that Redditors wish they could erase them from memory to see the greatness of these must-watches for the first time again.
Midsommar (2019)
First comes quite a notorious folk horror that follows a troubled couple who attend a festival in rural Sweden and end up being involved in a cult.
“The scare this movie gave me is really unique,” says @theGrandmaster24, and it’s indeed unforgettable.
Alien (1979)
45 years ago, Ridley Scott 's timeless masterpiece paved the way for all modern sci-fi horrors. It can still give you a high-class cinematic experience by telling a suspenseful story about astronauts who end up tormented by an unknown creature on their ship.
Saw (2004)
This flick became a breakthrough in the genre and set up the whole Saw franchise. Centering on victims of a serial killer who are tasked to kill each other, it presents one of the greatest plot twists of all time, and you clearly need to see it with your own eyes.
Hereditary (2018)
Next is a must-see supernatural horror that follows a grieving family haunted by a mysterious creature, and be sure that your teeths will chatter long after watching it.
“I REALLY wasn’t expecting it. And it shocked me,” admits @Gr1ml0ck.
The Thing (1982)
John Carpenter’s classic horror should certainly be on your bucket list. The story of a scientific research team in Antarctica tormented by a terrifying alien is famous for having the smartest horror lead of all time and for its unique creature design.
SE7EN (1995)
Even though it’s not a horror technically, David Fincher’s crime flick contains horror elements too. Following a serial killer in his attempt to execute a series of murders based on seven deadly sins, it can creep you out more than lots of gems of the genre.
Source: Reddit