TV 911

911 Desperately Needs a New Class Clown, Fans Believe

911 Desperately Needs a New Class Clown, Fans Believe
Image credit: Fox

Preferably, just as reckless as the first one was.


  • 911 is a Fox procedural drama that follows the team of Los Angeles first responders.
  • The show has been canceled on Fox after 6 seasons, but then got picked up by ABC for the next one.
  • Now that the show has found a new home, fans want to see some fresh faces joining the team.

911 has been nothing but a blast for its fans throughout its six-season journey so far. The show has managed to maintain the quality it started with and has taken its characters through their storylines in a strong way. The only thing that was missing was a change.

A bold attempt to bring a new female firefighter into the team ended with her being forced out by fandom hatred for the better half of season 6.

However, given the rather sad example of Lucy, people still believe that 911 would benefit from more fresh blood in the team.

The show just needs to make sure they don't start integrating them in as bad a way as Buck's cheating was. Couldn't be that hard a task, could it?

911 Season 7 Cast Members

911 Desperately Needs a New Class Clown, Fans Believe - image 1

From what we know so far, ABC's premiere season 7 of 911 will see the return of all of the show's regular cast members. But as happy as everyone is to see their beloved characters back, there is a certain amount of excitement that gets lost as each season passes by without any cast updates.

Considering how much the characters grow and change, they don't really fit the same types and roles in the group dynamic that they did before.

This is especially true of Oliver Stark's Evan Buckley, whose character development took a big leap forward in the last season.

There's no way Buck is going to change to the point where he's unrecognizable, but if the writers are going to make him more level-headed and sensible in the future, it's only fair that someone else takes his place as the class clown of the fire team.

Redditor NotLibbyChastain explained the consequences for 911 if they don't fill the void in the simplest terms:

“No characters fit that "idiot little brother" niche. So in order to create drama, other characters have to act in ways they normally wouldn't, just to fill that idiot role. The idiot ball has to get passed around, which leads [to] inconsistency,” they said.

Whether season 7 of 911 will surprise us with some exciting cast additions, or whether we'll see the natural change in dynamic between the original characters, remains to be seen.

Tune in to ABC on Thursday 14 March to catch the premiere.

Source: Reddit