Movies James Gunn

Amid New DC Universe Development, James Gunn's Done with Debunking Rumors

Amid New DC Universe Development, James Gunn's Done with Debunking Rumors
Image credit: Legion-Media

The end of an era has come: James Gunn, the only director invested in spending time on Twitter debunking false scoops and rumors, retires from this routine of his.

Undoubtedly, James Gunn the movie director is an absolute titan of the industry. His superhero movies have been the golden standard for years now, and his style is called many things from "original" to "immaculate."

The vast majority of Gunn's actors love working with him, and he's rightfully renowned as a genius he is.

But enough with the dithyrambs.

There's more to James Gunn than a talented superhero movie director: one of the main reasons fans love him is that he's very sociable online.

Almost every day, Gunn spends some time talking to his audience on Twitter, answering questions, and addressing the rumors — typically, by completely debunking them.

The last part is something of the director's signature move. While many others ignore the scoopers and pray for them to go away, James always goes in, Gunns blazing, to thrash every false speculation and rumor.

Fans love this bit, and the director himself has been enjoying this process… Until last weekend, that is.

Out of nowhere, James Gunn made an announcement on his Twitter: he was done with the fan-favorite "Myth Busters" section of his schedule.

"I'm getting barraged with bullsh*t DC rumors this morning. I'll just reiterate the general rule not to believe anything unless it comes from me or Peter. But, unless it's especially egregious, I'm going to slow down on calling sh*t out. (Sorry, I know, it's one of my favorite traditions)," wrote the director.

To not leave the audience hanging, Gunn explained why he made such a decision — and he had three entire reasons for it.

"There are three reasons for this: 1) Some people are making up lies to get attention from me or to get clicks & I don't want to encourage that. 2) I've read a hundred rumors this morning. One of them is half-true.

So I don't want to be used as a way for people to throw nonsense at the wall until something sticks. 3) I'm storyboarding Superman Legacy and don't have time," James Gunn wrote on his Twitter.

So it seems like the scoopers are going to have a blast with free reign over posting whatever they come up with — but a hard time figuring out the truth with the director's help.

Apparently, even James Gunn can get tired of Twitter… At least, he's not leaving it altogether and promised to stay in touch with the audience.

Source: Twitter