Movies Spider-Man Martin Scorsese

Andrew Garfield Hated His Performance in 8 Oscar Nods Movie So Much, He Wanted to Be Replaced

Andrew Garfield Hated His Performance in 8 Oscar Nods Movie So Much, He Wanted to Be Replaced
Image credit: Legion-Media

One of the most important roles in an actor's career left him dissatisfied.

Andrew Garfield is used to being associated with Marc Webb's Spider-Man, and his surprise appearance in No Way Home made a lot of noise.

But this is not the only role the actor can be proud of: the actor is constantly moving forward, choosing serious movies and complex dramatic roles. No wonder directors such as Martin Scorsese and David Fincher have noticed him.

David Fincher's The Social Network, written by Aaron Sorkin, is arguably Andrew Garfield's most famous movie except for Spider-Man.
Everyone seems to have praised the movie about Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg: even Tarantino called it the best work of the decade, and the Writers Guild of America ranked it third among the best screenplays of the 21st century.

Garfield has not the main, but no less important role in the movie – Eduardo Saverin, the only friend of Zuckerberg and the financial director of the project. Zuckerberg himself was played by Jesse Eisenberg.
Until now, The Social Network is one of the most important and prominent roles of Garfield, but it turns out that the actor himself was dissatisfied with his performance:

"I remember watching The Social Network for the first time, and me and Jesse were like, 'Oh, we hate this shit. We hate it!' […] We were like, 'No. I ruined it. They should have cast someone else."

However, neither the critics nor the audience agreed with such self-criticism. The movie and the acting were rated at the highest level. Even 13 years after the movie's release, some scenes from it still delight viewers – the scene in which Eduardo smashes Mark Zuckerberg's laptop continues to be viral on all sorts of social networks, from Instagram to Tiktok.

It's hard to argue with the fact that Aaron Sorkin's script and David Fincher's direction helped create a real cinematic bestseller – the story of the creation of Facebook became especially relevant after the start of new showdowns between the founder of the social network and his numerous shareholders.

The fact that Jesse Eisenberg was nominated for an Oscar and Andrew Garfield, for some reason, didn't get that nomination still seems like a blatant injustice to the actor who delivered one of his best acting performances.

Source: Total Film