
Before Longlegs, Watch This Nicolas Cage Horror Gem Dubbed ‘Totally Nuts’

Before Longlegs, Watch This Nicolas Cage Horror Gem Dubbed ‘Totally Nuts’
Image credit: RLJE Films

You've never seen Nicolas Cage crazier than in this movie.

Let's face it, it's high time we came up with a new category of movies called Cageplotation – and gathered in this genre all the B-movies that revel in the unusual acting abilities of Nicolas Cage – a man who will soon become synonymous with the word "crazy" in cinema.

At the moment, everyone is eagerly awaiting the release of the horror film Longlegs, a project in which Nicolas Cage plays a cruel madman and supposedly the scariest movie of the decade, which has already managed to get a perfect 100% from critics on Rotten Tomatoes and will drop in theaters on July 12th.

Will you watch? Longlegs?

While there is still some time left before the release of Longlegs, we suggest you prepare yourself with all the responsibility and watch a horror movie where Cage's acting madness is taken to the highest level.

Mandy is an ultimate Cageplotation movie and by far Cage's best performance in years. Director Panos Cosmatos clearly knows how to handle the actor's wild energy and use it to shock the viewers.

What is Mandy About?

Before Longlegs, Watch This Nicolas Cage Horror Gem Dubbed ‘Totally Nuts’ - image 1

Red Miller is an unsociable lumberjack who lives with his wife Mandy in a secluded house on the shore of a lake. Their quiet life comes to an end when a cult operating in the local woods, led by the charismatic preacher Jeremiah, breaks into their home and ritually burns Mandy to death.

Nearly dying, Red escapes the cultists' clutches, and now there is only one all-consuming goal in his life: revenge on those who took away the person closest to him.

Mandy is Nicolas Cage's Best Performance

Before Longlegs, Watch This Nicolas Cage Horror Gem Dubbed ‘Totally Nuts’ - image 2

There are very few characters in the movie, and even fewer roles with more than a few lines. But without a doubt, Nicolas Cage gives his best performance here. Yes, he has long been mocked for his inability to pick roles, but here he shines like a diamond.

The entire movie hinges on his transformation from a calm, confident worker to a ruthless, psychopathic killer. Watching this transition is a pleasure in itself, and without Cage, the movie would have lost at least half of its signature madness.

Even hardcore fans of the horror genre admit that it was one of the craziest movies they have ever seen.

“Well that was a ride. [...] I really liked that movie. I found it deeply emotional and totally nuts, in the best of ways,” Reddit user mystical_state wrote.

In the first half of the movie, the director sends Cage on a dark psychedelic trip, creating the cinematic equivalent of a panic attack. And in the second half, he lets him have some fun, handing him a chainsaw and sending out to brutally kill enemies in a blood-red glow.

Never before has Cage been so terrifyingly cool, and never before has a movie made such brilliant use of this extraordinary actor.