Best Way to Fix Chicago Fire's Most Annoying 'New' Storyline? Make It Worse

Best Way to Fix Chicago Fire's Most Annoying 'New' Storyline? Make It Worse
Image credit: NBC

As eye-rolling as it is, there’s a way to save the notorious “someone’s out to get Firehouse 51 again” storyline. All they need to do is… Make it ten times worse now.


  • Chief Robinson’s attempt to bring Firehouse 51 down doesn’t scare fans: it only frustrates them.
  • Chicago Fire has only done this storyline three or four times, and this repetition isn’t expected to be different.
  • To save this story, Robinson must prove to be an actual threat, being smart and calculating and delivering really devastating blows.

Chicago Fire fans just can’t get a rest lately. Favorite actors leaving the show. Other favorite actors always being on the verge of leaving the show. New actors joining for just a couple of episodes and then getting booted. Old storylines being reused for the hundredth time without any changes. Chicago Fire just hasn’t been itself this season.

The entire Chief Robinson ordeal is getting on everyone’s nerves, too… But it can still be saved; it would just require an approach the writers wouldn’t want to go for.

Oh No, Firehouse 51 Is Under Attack Again!

Best Way to Fix Chicago Fire's Most Annoying 'New' Storyline? Make It Worse - image 1

These are the exact words no Chicago Fire fan said after it was revealed that the new Paramedic Chief wanted to go after Firehouse 51. We’ve seen it three to four times already, depending on whether you’re counting Grissom. This time, with Chief Robinson, it looks just the same as before, so no one back home is scared and/or excited. Frustrated, mostly.

The recycling is insane with this one: Chief Robinson’s crusade against Firehouse 51 has been tried so many times by others that no one gives a damn about it. When Violet said her epic line, “They’re not just coming after me — they’re coming after all of 51,” there were only two types of reactions back home: yawning and eye-rolling.

There’s a Way to Fix Chief Robinson’s Story

Best Way to Fix Chicago Fire's Most Annoying 'New' Storyline? Make It Worse - image 2

While it’s extremely repetitive and underwhelming, Chief Robinson’s attempt to bring Firehouse 51 down can be turned into something more than just the same storyline brought back for the fourth time. To fix it, there’s only one solution: it must become much worse. No story-wise, of course, but plot-wise — it must become a real threat.

Not a single fan considers Robinson dangerous, so she must prove otherwise. She has to win and win big. She needs to be a truly formidable opponent who’s not a one-season filler — but an actual threat to Firehouse 51. Calculating, smart, methodical, and patient, she has to switch up her strategy and deliver a real blow to Chief Boden and his people.

We’ll all still know that she’ll go down eventually. But there will be real stakes then!

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