Black Adam Moment That Felt Ripped Straight From Iconic X-Men Scene

DCEU's "new era" feels surprisingly... repetitive.
Scenes of (super)heroes doing awesome things in slow motion are fairly common and numerous by now. But Quicksilver's slow-motion scene X-Men: Days of Future Past is one of the best, perhaps even the best of them, to this day.
In that scene, as Quicksilver, young Magneto, young Charles Xavier and Wolverine confront a bunch of armed government agents. Bullets start flying, Quicksilver activates his super-speed, calmly puts on his headphones to provide a suitable musical accompaniment for the scene, and then runs, almost dances across the room, setting the agents to punch themselves and each other, or gently adjusting trajectories of bullets so that they would miss.
As time returns to normal – or, rather, as Quicksilver's perception of time re-aligns with that of everyone else – all the enemies are instantly knocked down. This scene is so beautiful that some fans consider it the best in the movie.
It is only natural, of course, for later movies in the same genre to imitate the best parts of their predecessors. But there are imitations, and there are straight rip-offs. And the one of the scenes in the recently released Black Adam movie is closer to the latter, although with a more bloodthirsty and mean-spirited attitude.
The whole sequence is set to music as well, but this time it is the tune of "Paint It Black", reflecting a different tone. In said scene, the titular antihero is confronted with some mercenary baddies, and uses his super-speed to redirect rockets launched at him and other flying objects so that they wreak bloody havoc on his opponents, with the same casual ease which Quicksilver displayed when manipulating objects and people in slowed time.
Black Adam even puts a grenade in a merc's mouth, while flying calmly by. And unlike Quicksilver, whose sole power is being really fast, and who can actually be hurt and killed by normal weapons, Black Adam is bulletproof, so while from the out-of-character viewpoint that scene was for demonstrating the audience how fast and precise he really is, from his own viewpoint he was screwing with people who could not possibly injure him just for laughs. Talk about "anti" in "antihero".