TV Black Mirror Netflix

Black Mirror Fans Are Disappointed In The New Season Because Of This Outdated Detail

Black Mirror Fans Are Disappointed In The New Season Because Of This Outdated Detail
Image credit: Netflix

It's unbelievable for the show that was always so forward in technology!

One of the reasons fans initially fell in love with Black Mirror, is how futuristic and forward with technology the show was.

It painted a gruesome, but very realistic picture that many enjoyed. However, with the new season, there seem to be some changes that are not as enjoyable anymore.

It's safe to say the premiere of Black Mirror season 6 wasn't met with the expected excitement. If anything, fans felt underwhelmed, but couldn't put a finger on what exactly felt wrong.

Surely with such great names in the cast like Salma Hayek and Ben Barnes, the episode should've become a huge success.

Well, maybe they just had to pay a bit more attention to details, so the viewers would be more into the plot.

Turns out, one thing that really bothered the fans could've actually been quite an easy fix. Everyone was just too distracted by the hairstyle straight from 2020 to enjoy whatever was happening on screen.

Although it doesn't play any huge part, nor it is of any significance, black hair with two blond strands at the front just doesn't fit in.

The majority of the audience perfectly understands why a style like this was chosen, and how it was important for the hair to stand out, but they don't buy it as an excuse.

In 2023 there is no shortage of actually relevant cuts and styles just as bold as this one, but a little more in fashion.

If the possibility of seeing Salma Hayek as a Tik Tok e-girl from three years ago does not scare you in the slightest, you can go ahead and check out Black Mirror season 6 for yourself.

All the episodes are already available to stream on Netflix.