Blue Bloods: 14 Years Later, Danny Might Want to Learn a Bit About His Job

Good ol’ Danny Reagan is still frustratingly clueless about how the law enforcement system works, and it’s poor Erin who has to deal with his attitude every time.
- Danny Reagan often gets up in his sister Erin’s face whenever she releases a suspect for the lack of evidence.
- Erin’s decisions have nothing to do with her personal opinions and she abides by the law at every occasion.
- Years later, it might finally be time for Danny to learn what he and Erin can and can’t legally do and stop getting in his sister’s hair.
The Reagan family is all about serving the law and the people, but not all of them know the law well, it appears. On the one hand, we have Erin who is completely aware of what she can and can’t legally do.
On the other hand, there’s Danny who doesn’t seem to understand how law works at all and makes frustrating assumptions about Erin’s “decisions” every other day.
Danny Hates Erin’s Adherence to Law
Despite her entire family serving the law, it’s Erin Reagan who knows it the best… And somehow, she always gets the wrong end of the stick for that — especially, if Danny (or Jamie, to the lesser extent) is involved. Every time Erin has to let the suspect go based on the lack of evidence, one of her brothers will be up in her face about it, demanding she tosses the law aside and keeps them behind the bars.
Erin is doing her job well, and she’s fully aware of what she can and can’t legally do. She never releases a suspect “just because,” only if she must do it according to the law. Yet, Danny and Jamie often seem to think she’s able to keep anyone handcuffed for as long as she pleases if her police officer brothers get bad vibes from them — and that she only doesn’t do so out of spite.
Danny’s Stubbornness Grew Old Long Ago
While it’s a rare occurrence for Jamie to get on Erin’s nerves about her releasing a suspect, Danny does it pretty much every single time. He doesn’t learn. He doesn’t listen. He doesn’t care for the law. Danny just wants to blame his sister for the lack of evidence that is, ultimately, his fault as the detective, while she’s just doing her job.
Danny Reagan has always been one frustratingly stubborn man, but while we accept him the way he is, it’s quite underwhelming that he does the exact same stupid thing time and time again. Perhaps, all these years later, it is time Danny finally learns a thing or two about the law? The show is ending, after all, and we wouldn’t mind seeing Danny change for the better before it happens.