TV Blue Bloods Justified

Blue Bloods Must Fix Its Biggest Oversight That Plagued It Since Season 8

Blue Bloods Must Fix Its Biggest Oversight That Plagued It Since Season 8
Image credit: CBS

If Blue Bloods wants to come back on track with the next season, it’s high time for the show to finally fix its biggest mistake that’s been around for four (!) seasons.

Save all our personal feelings toward Blue Bloods, this show is a police procedural mixed with family drama. While the famous family dinners are the showpiece of the series, it doesn’t just focus on the personal relationships between the characters: it largely revolves around their work at the police force and all things justice.

However, for a series about the police, Blue Bloods really went off the rails after Season 8 — and by that, we mean that for four entire seasons, the Reagans were mostly dealing with petty one-case criminals. The last Big Bad Wolf, Victor Lugo, was sent to prison in S8, and since then, the show’s been lacking a main villain.

It’s crazy when you think about it: Blue Bloods virtually removed the most essential part of any police procedural entirely and had us watch separate small cases for four seasons! While the Reagans kept having their own overarching stories as a family, the criminal aspect of the show devolved into dealing with petty one-time antagonists.

This alone reduced the amount of sensible and justified drama in Blue Bloods dramatically, and fans are clearly tired of watching the same daily cases in every episode. The issue at hand can be easily fixed by introducing a new antagonist or even bringing back one of the old ones — but for some reason, they don’t do that.

Blue Bloods Must Fix Its Biggest Oversight That Plagued It Since Season 8 - image 1

Unfortunately, Blue Bloods can’t keep going like this. While the family aspect of the show keeps going strong and even saw some recent additions, the police procedural part of the series needs to get back on track after staying way too low to the ground for way too long. Not all hope is lost, though, as there’s a way to tie it all together.

Perhaps, Blue Bloods could reveal that the most unhinged or political cases throughout the past few seasons had some shady powers directly influencing them. Perhaps, they could bring back one of the old villains — or have the Reagans face a new one in an unexpected turn of events. There are ways, and they are to be used.

But it’s painfully obvious that Blue Bloods will lose a metric ton of viewers if next year, we get yet another season completely deprived of a proper antagonist.

What kind of antagonists would you prefer?