Breaking Bad Spinoff Ideas That Could Even Top Better Call Saul

Breaking Bad Spinoff Ideas That Could Even Top Better Call Saul
Image credit: Legion-Media

Untold stories that may reignite the Breaking Bad frenzy.

Breaking Bad, one of the most critically acclaimed television series of all time, left fans craving more even after its thrilling conclusion. Luckily, the creators have gifted us with the brilliant spinoff, Better Call Saul.

After the conclusion of Better Call Saul last year, many fans agreed that the Breaking Bad universe is concluded and good as is. But it doesn't mean that we can't dream a little about potentially interesting spinoffs that would be as great as BCS.

The Rise of Gus Fring

Gustavo Fring, the notorious drug lord and owner of the Los Pollos Hermanos chain of restaurants, was one of the most intriguing characters in the universe.

A spinoff that delves into his origins, his war against the Salamancas, and the expansion of his drug empire would be an absolute treat for fans.

Exploring the events that shaped him would undoubtedly be a gripping storyline. We could witness the calculated strategies and brutal tactics employed by Gus to establish his dominance in the drug trade.

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Life After Heisenberg

Breaking Bad concluded with Walter White's demise, but what happened to the other characters? We've only seen a glimpse of it in Better Call Saul's season 6.

A spinoff focused on the aftermath of Walter White's reign of terror could be a captivating exploration of their lives post-Breaking Bad.

It would follow Skyler, Marie, Flynn as they grapple with the repercussions of Walter's actions. Moreover, we could delve into the lives of the Schwartz family, the DEA agents, and the residents of Albuquerque, all affected by Walter's drug empire.

This spinoff would provide closure and shed light on how these characters attempt to rebuild their lives and find normalcy in the wake of the chaos Walter unleashed.

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The Disappearer

This idea for a spinoff might sound unexpected but still interesting. Breaking Bad introduced us to Ed Galbraith, the mysterious vacuum repair guy who helps people disappear and start new lives.

A spinoff dedicated to his story would be utterly intriguing. We could explore how Ed became involved in the disappearing business, the challenges he faces while executing his risky operations, and the moral dilemmas that arise from helping criminals escape justice.

Unfortunately, Robert Forster, the actor who portrayed Ed Galbraith, died in 2019, the same day as El Camino was released.

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