
Cavill Wants to Distance His Superman from Snyderverse; Does it Mean It's Officially Dead?

Cavill Wants to Distance His Superman from Snyderverse; Does it Mean It's Officially Dead?
Image credit: Legion-Media

DC has a reputation for being quite hectic when it comes to movie and TV adaptations.

Unlike their main competitor Marvel Studios, DC has many versions of their characters at the same time, separated by movies and TV shows, which are not a part of one another. That way, we can have TV series Flash and Movie Flash, played by different actors, surrounded by different situations, etc. Talking about versions, the most recent version feud in DC was the Joss Whedon vs Zack Snyder version of Justice League, where many fans and actors of the film were pushing for the release of the Snyder Cut Version of the movie. And now, according to Giant Freaking Robot, one of the stars wishes to move their character away from Snyder's dark and grim version.

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If "trusted and proven sources" are right, Henry Cavill might be a little tired of always being the serious and gloomy version of Superman that he played in Snyder's films. He is still interested in playing the iconic superhero but he wants the tone of movies to be lightened up a bit. Warner Brothers are already going through a lot of changes, and, perhaps, it is time to make another character shift.

Anyone who is familiar with Zack Snyders filmography knows that the tone he sets his movies in is always quite serious, and his DC comics movies are extremely dark (sometimes literally too dark to see what is going on), gloomy, and at times even depressing. It is understandable, especially with the personal family tragedy the director had to face during Justice League's production. And our beloved characters had their own share of tragedies and trauma on the screen, hence the tone of the films.

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Such a tone is actually quite fitting for Batman, who was always in contrast (even wardrobe-wise) with hopeful, sunny, and inspiring Superman, but in Snyderverse, these two are quite alike. We have even seen Superman become the evil undead for a moment there, which is not quite in tune with being the symbol of hope. That way we can see why Henry Cavill might want to change the mood a bit, frankly, some of the fans would love for that to happen as well.

Henry's Superman might be back in Black Adam, which is set to premiere on October 19, 2022. Once the movie is out, we might get the idea of whether or not we will see an updated version of Superman.