Chicago Fire: Everyone Forgot the Hilarious Way Brett Predicted Her Own Fate in S5

Chicago Fire: Everyone Forgot the Hilarious Way Brett Predicted Her Own Fate in S5
Image credit: NBC

Sometimes a little bit of envy and wishful thinking goes a long way. Right, Sylvie?


  • In Chicago Fire Season 5 Episode 13, Sylvie Brett told Gabby Dawson that she “wanted what she had with Casey” in terms of romantic relationships.
  • Six seasons later, in Season 12, Brett and Casey married, making Sylvie’s dream into reality in the most literal way.
  • Some Chicago Fire fans find Brett and Casey’s relationship morally questionable, considering he was her ex-best friend’s ex-husband.

As of the time of writing, we already know that Sylvie Brett got her happy ending. It proved to be bittersweet for the audience, sure, but to her, it was the best thing ever. Funnily enough, Brett herself foreshadowed her relationship and wedding to Matt Casey back in Season 5 — even though at the time, it was nothing but wishful thinking and a bit of envy on her part.

Sylvie Brett Predicted Her Fate in Season 5

Let’s quickly travel back in time to Chicago Fire Season 5 Episode 13. Back then, Sylvie Brett was one poor soul who just wanted to find herself a decent man. She even spoke to Gabby Dawson about it, sharing her lack of luck in relationships and envying her friend’s personal life. That’s when she said the funniest thing ever.

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Sylvie told Gabby that she wanted what Gabby had with Casey.

Fast-forward six seasons ahead to the beginning of Season 12 to Brett and Casey’s wedding and you’ll see the irony: Sylvie’s personal life didn’t just get better — she received exactly what she’d wanted. She wanted a good, caring partner like Matt Casey, but she walked away with Casey himself as her best friend and husband.

Some Chicago Fire Fans Didn’t Like This Twist

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While we’re all happy for Sylvie Brett and Matt Casey, their relationship just doesn’t sit right with some fans. Foreshadowing or not, they don’t think it was a morally good idea on Brett’s behalf, considering the relationship Gabby and Casey had before.

“As much as I like Brett and Casey together, I’ve always found the whole thing a little f*cked up lol. Getting married with your friend’s ex husband is a bit too weird,” Reddit user Jess_UY25 pointed out.

Well, what can we say? Life is a complicated thing, and finding a true soulmate is a rare occurrence. Gabby and Matt very much weren’t that, but Matt and Sylvie were. We’re happy for them and don’t even find the whole ordeal too icky: after all, at that point, not only was Casey Gabby’s ex-husband, but Gabby was Brett’s ex-friend, too.

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