Chris Hemsworth Revealed The Only Reason He Might Quit Playing Thor

Even superheroes retire at some point, and the Australian actor just revealed why his Asgardian might be done with the MCU in the future.
In just a couple of weeks, millions of Marvel fans will finally see эThor: Love and Thunderэ, directed by Taika Waititi and starring Hemsworth, Natalie Portman and Christian Bale. In honor of the occasion, the lead actor decided to take a little time to reflect back on his days playing the God of Thunder. Surprisingly, Hemsworth is one of Feige's oldest collaborators, having starred in Marvel films since 2011. So, when will the actor decide to follow the example of his colleagues Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans and Scarlett Johansson, who have already left the Disney franchise for good?
In a conversation with Total Magazine, Hemsworth finally touched on the possibility of his departure from the MCU, revealing the only reason it could happen.
"Each time, if the opportunity comes up and presents itself [to play Thor], I'm just open to whatever creative exploration can happen, thanks to different writers and directors and so on. But I love playing the character, I really do. It always comes down to: 'Is this script different to the last one? Are we repeating something?' And when it becomes too familiar, I think that's when I'd have to say, 'Yeah, no, this doesn't... I think I've...' [laughs] I'd like to exit before people tell me to exit," Hemsworth said.
And that's fair enough. Filming in any movie is a challenge for an actor, and if this material does not satisfy Hemsworth's creative aspirations – why star in new movies just for the paycheck?
With this news, fans are very worried that the actor will leave the MCU after Love and Thunder', fearing that future superhero movies won't be the same without him.
"Downey stopped playing iron man
Evans stopped playing Cap
If this is the final stop for Hemsworth as Thor…I don't know who I would be excited for in the MCU anymore… Not a fan of the characters outside of Holland and maybe Strange, Wanda, but that movie was meh." – @AndrewLewistv.
'Thor: Love and Thunder ' will arrive to cinemas around U.S. on July 8, 2022.