Criminal Minds What Happens at Home Episode Features the Funniest Scene of Season 6

Did you notice this little detail?
Criminal Minds is a pretty dark show. "Why do you keep doing this?" – is a question the members of the BAU team are constantly asked. Their chosen profession is really an attempt, often hopeless, to overcome the eternal imperfection of the world. Those who seek and those who are sought are connected by a thin thread called suffering.
The brave fighters against evil were confronted with something terrible when they were not ready for it – be it the memory of Rossi's war or the suicide of JJ's older sister. Their desire to stop killers who do terrible things, sometimes against their will, serves to overcome their own traumatic experiences.
But even in a project with such a philosophy, there is a place for humor, and these are not always jokes which the writers of Criminal Minds came up with.
What Happens at Home Was Unexpectedly Funny
And the best confirmation of this is Episode 10 of Season 6, titled What Happens at Home. The story begins as always suspensefully – three women are killed in their homes in New Mexico within two months. Moreover, all the murders were committed within a gated community, and the cameras did not record the appearance of strangers in the area.
The BAU team heads to New Mexico and enlists the help of an FBI cadet, Agent Ashley Seaver – her father was a serial killer and her experience can help the investigation.
About halfway through the episode, at the 23 minute mark, Hotch is giving out assignments to his subordinates, including Ashley. At this point, Dr. Reid, played by Matthew Gray Gubler, joins the group and informs the team that out of 64 suspects, 18 have not shown up for questioning, and Hotch instructs Emily to check them out.
At this point, you can see Matthew and Rachel Nichols, who played Ashley, breaking character – they clearly have a hard time holding back their laughter.
Apparently, this was overlooked and the episode was released as is – and as a result, we got a blooper right in the episode and the funniest moment of the season. Because once you notice Matthew and Rachel's quiet giggle, it is impossible not to join them.