Deleted Scene Proves Eileen Was Criminally Wasted in Supernatural S15

Eileen Leahy did not have a large part in Supernatural, but this did not stop her from becoming a fan favourite.
She had all the hallmarks of a character we were destined to love. Orphaned by a banshee, which also caused her to lose her hearing, she did not let this defeat her. Instead, she channelled it into giving her purpose, becoming a hunter so she could avenge the death of her parents.
She joins forces with Dean and Sam Winchester in Season 11, after a hilarious case of mistaken identity, and has been a firm ally to the brothers ever since. But despite her skill as a hunter and her strong-willed, brave nature, she has been largely a background character. This is disappointing, overall, but particularly when viewing a certain deleted scene from Season 15.
The scene features the Winchester brothers, Castiel, and Eileen in the Bunker. After retrieving an item from Sam's room, she praises him for having magical objects under this bed instead of pornography, commenting that is what "most guys" would have. What follows is a thoroughly laughable silent exchange between Eileen and Dean, which confirms he does indeed have pornography, and she is fully aware of it. Sam remains oblivious to their interaction, while Cas just has a quiet smile to himself in the background.
As enjoyable as this scene is, fans have found it bittersweet. Because it so perfectly showcases the wasted potential of Eileen. T
he adorable awkwardness Sam clearly feels in her presence is an unmistakable crush, and it would have been wonderful to see that further explored. With Eileen also being a hunter, she could have taken on a much larger role as a potential love interest for Sam and a vital part of the team.
The scene also showcases Eileen's brilliant sense of humour and camaraderie with the boys. She fits so perfectly into the team, can more than hold her own, and provides a breath of fresh air every time she is on screen.
She is also a wonderful example of a character being deaf, but not letting it define them as a disability. Television needs more characters with these kinds of limitations, to show them living fully and completely, and kicking all kinds of ass just as well as anyone with their hearing.
Fans had already been making noise about feeling Eileen was criminally wasted in the final season, but this deleted scene has now proven that beyond a shadow of a doubt. It is fun to ponder how different and wonderful things could have been had she played a larger role.