K-Pop Taylor Swift

Does Taylor Swift Deserve a Doctorate Degree? Here's What People Think

Does Taylor Swift Deserve a Doctorate Degree? Here's What People Think
Image credit: Legion-Media

New York University announced that Taylor Swift is going to receive an honorary degree of a Doctor of Fine Arts in May.

No one argues with the fact that Taylor Swift is a talented and commercially successful musician (well, except maybe for the haters). But when did that become enough to receive a doctorate degree?

The news of Swift being about to receive a Doctor of Fine Arts, honoris causa, has divided the Internet. On the one hand, why not congratulate Taylor and applaud her for her long list of accomplishments?

That’s exactly what many fans did.

One the other hand, some people are studying and working really hard to get that degree, and Taylor appears to be receiving it just for the fact that she is a popular and accomplished musician. How fair is that?

Many people — among them actual students — urged Taylor to "understand her privilege".

Swift will receive her degree at NYU’s morning commencement event on May 18 at Yankee Stadium.