Dumb Ways to Die: 6 Character Deaths That Broke Our Brains, Not Hearts

Dumb Ways to Die: 6 Character Deaths That Broke Our Brains, Not Hearts
Image credit: ABC, NBC, ITV, Fox

It was downright painful to watch…

Dying is a part of life that can’t be avoided. But for some people (not real, though) it can be a choice, in a way. We are talking about TV characters, of course. The ones who decide whether they would live are the shows’ writers, and it seems like they are sometimes just too cruel towards their marionettes.

For example, here is a list of times when characters in various TV shows were killed off in such a ridiculous way that we actually felt sorry for them.

1. Dr. Drake Ramoray, Days Of Our Lives (Within Friends)

To make you feel the level of absurdity of which we are about to talk further, let’s start with this death. Dr. Ramoray was Friends character Joey Tribbiani’s on-screen character from his Days Of Our Lives acting part.

Joey was having fun playing the doctor in a famous soap opera, but wronged the writers of the shoe by telling the press he was the one who wrote his lines. So angry writers decided to kill his character off by having him fall down… an elevator shaft.

2. Dr. Derek Shepherd, Grey’s Anatomy

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Another doctor whose death is still bothering fans is Dr. Derek Shepherd from one of the most popular medical dramas Grey’s Anatomy.

“He spends a whole episode saving people that were in a car accident, then as he is leaving the scene, he backs up blocking the road, then STOPS DEAD IN THE MIDDLE! And a vehicle t bones him, and he dies due to incompetent doctors,” Redditor racer_24_4evr said.

Could have been easily avoided if he simply followed traffic rules…

3. Matthew, Downton Abbey

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Another stupid and rather unfortunate death happened on the iconic period drama Downton Abbey. This one could also have been avoided if the character had paid a little more attention to the road while driving.

Matthew Crawley, blinded by the happiness of becoming a father, had a heartfelt moment with his wife and baby, but then rushed to his car to get to a place where he was so needed. He gets into a car accident and dies. And to add drama to this already bitter scene, it all happens in a Christmas special episode...

4. Raymond Reddington, The Blacklist

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Here's one death that fans were so angry about that they're still discussing it in many Reddit threads... Really, having a mastermind main character who beats everything and everyone in his life only to end up killed... by a bull?!

It all played out like a low-budget horror movie. Red was walking through the Spanish countryside when suddenly a bull appeared in front of him. He was trampled and killed by the animal. There was also a moment between the two of them when they shared a kind of stare, which made it even creepier.

5. Edie Britt, Desperate Housewives

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Now that was the thing nobody expected, even considering the fact that the series is famous for the unusual death scenes. Edie Britt was almost strangled by her mental husband, but she made her way out of the fight and got to her car, only to die in a way even more ridiculous than being killed by the man you love…

“Fleeing in her car but not looking at the road because frantically trying to make an emergency call while driving, narrowly avoid running over Orson who was jogging in the middle of the road and drives straight into an electric pole, severing a wire which falls next to her car, getting stunned by the collision and finally getting electrocuted when walking in a puddle right next to the car,” Redditor judenice06 recalled.

6. Maude Flanders, The Simpsons

This is the twist for which The Simpsons was widely criticized. It was even considered a moment where the show jumped the shark, even though Maude wasn't the most important or even fan-favorite character.

Still, the way she died was so absurd and abrupt that fans couldn't believe the writers were actually going through with it. She was killed in an accident involving none other than Homer, whose clumsy actions caused a T-shirt cannon to duck and kill her.