Fans Discover Peeves Was Cut from Harry Potter Movies and Their Reactions Are Priceless

Fans were robbed of perfect Peeves.
The Harry Potter franchise is widely considered to be one of the best film adaptations of all time. But there is one aspect that all J.K. Rowling fans have been sorely missing.
For some reason, one of the major book characters, the mischievous poltergeist Peeves, never made it into the franchise.
With his pranks, insulting songs, ridiculous outfits, and constant teasing, Peeves was a thorn in the side of Hogwarts students and teachers alike.
A hilarious fan-favorite character who often served as the perfect comic relief, Peeves was originally part of the Sorcerer's Stone script and was even cast.
The role of the boisterous ghost was given to legendary comedian Rik Mayall, who appeared in numerous hit comedy series and films from the 1980s until his sudden death in 2014.
Throughout his career, Mayall became a household name and was a natural choice for many Wizarding World fans to play Peeves. Sadly, all of his Harry Potter scenes were left on the cutting room floor.
The actor told this story several years after the film premiered. He recalled that his scenes were difficult to film because every time he said his lines, the child actors would break down laughing.
When the filming was finally completed, Mayall was paid a substantial salary. But several weeks later, he received word that all of his scenes had been cut from the final version.
Although the actor did not explain why his scenes were cut, he joked that the movie was "crap" because he was not in it. And fans seem to agree that the Sorcerer's Stone and the entire Harry Potter franchise would be much better if Rik Mayall's Peeves were in it.
"NOBODY could have played Peeves better than Rik Myall, I will forever be upset that they denied us his amazing talent and our beloved Peeves. Big big mistake," one of the fans commented on the interview on YouTube, echoing the general sentiment.
Fans were so frustrated at being robbed of the perfect Peeves that they demanded Warner Bros. remake the movie with Mayall's scenes or at least release the cut footage as a tribute to the brilliant actor.
"They should just remake all eight of the films with him in. They'd be 10 times as good," a commenter wrote.
Unfortunately, those recordings must have been destroyed long ago, so the studio would never be able to fulfill the fans' wishes.