Fans Still Can't Decide Whose Side They're On In This Big Grey's Anatomy Beef

It can be hard to support even a favorite character when they're wrong.
Grey's Anatomy is one of the most popular medical shows on television today. And while the fandom waits for season 20 to come out (which, unfortunately, won't be anytime soon), there's plenty of time for them to binge-watch the show and flex on its most controversial moments.
One of the brightest examples was the storyline in season 11 about Derek wanting to move to DC because he got the invite from Mr. President himself! Well, what is it if not dream come true?
Although, McDreamy’s wife didn’t think so and the whole situation was dealt with in a very unpleasant way. And the fans are still arguing on who was right in it.
“It was a messy situation all around but I think both of them were valid in their reasoning, it’s just hard to find a compromise when you both have careers and children to think about,” Prestigious_Table360 said.
Most of the fans couldn't decide who was right in that situation, although there were still some of them who actually had some things to say to prove Meredith wrong, for example.
“I was completely on Derek's side in this situation. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity that so few people would ever be offered and Meredith was treating it as though he'd just casually applied for a new job somewhere because he fancied a move. Also, she still bloody well owed him for ruining his clinical trial and I'm surprised this didn't actually come up more,” Redditor ExternalBreadfruit49 said.
But what annoyed the fans who were on Derek's side more was that Meredith had initially kind of supported her husband's decision, but it was Cristina who made her change her mind.
Fans were willing to be on Meredith's side if she just stuck to her reasons for not wanting to move to DC because she wasn't ready to give up her whole life in Seattle.