Friends Fans Still Not Over Ross’ Stupidest Storyline

Could he be any more annoying?
- Friends is one of the most popular sitcoms ever created.
- The show has many storylines that seem too silly to be relatable in real life.
- One particular storyline with Ross makes fans angry because of how stupidly he behaves.
We love Friends, right? We love the six crazy main characters and their lives, we love how silly they always act, we love all their mistakes and stupid life decisions.
However, despite this unconditional love for fictional people, we still felt awkward when something they did wasn't quite smart. Starting with little adorable things, like when Joey eats something and ends up covered in food like a baby.
And to even bigger things, like when Monica opened all the wedding presents without Chandler. Yes, it was immature, and if the roles had been reversed there would have been a scandal, but still.
The gang was also put in situations where we would assume they weren't the brightest bulbs in the room. For example, the scene with Joey's proposal… Well, it just makes us think that he and Rachel got potatoes instead of brains.
But there was one storyline that was the most annoying, and it's about Ross.
Well, the gag about Ross being in touch with fashion is a long-running one. Remember his teeth whitening, leather jeans and pink sweater? But this time he took it a step further.
In episode 3 of season 10, Ross decided to get a spray tan after seeing the amazing effect on Monica. So he went to the salon to get one. And when the spraying started, he started counting in Mississippi and missed the time to turn around and got sprayed twice from one side.
Then he came back to undo the damage, but ended up in an even worse situation. So the question that kept bugging fans was why would he stand there and wait for the spraying to stop when he could have just walked away?
“This bugs me. Ross is meant to be smart. And he can’t work out, you just have to turn after the first spray. And the guys working there haven’t figured that out either. I can’t really watch any of that bit anymore. And like when the second spray does start on the wrong side he STILL doesn’t turn around,” Redditor hannah_lilly said.
Well, maybe the man is just not smart in this particular area? Ask him about evolution though…