Get Out Had Two Alternate Endings, And Both Were Better Than The Final One

Which one would you like more?
- Despite the fact that Jordan Peele's Get Out was filled with tension and cruelty, the main character Chris got a happy ending after escaping from the Armitages.
- The movie had two alternative endings. According to the first, when Chris strangles Rose, the police arrive and Chris ends up in jail; he faces either life imprisonment or the death penalty.
- According to the second, Chris is found by Rod a few months later, who discovers that Chris, like Andre, has become a vessel for one of the Armitages’ guests.
- Peele himself wanted to keep the ending where Chris ends up in jail, but was dissuaded by the producers and the audience's reaction to that ending at the test screenings.
Comedian Jordan Peele's directorial debut was one of the best things to happen to the satirical horror genre. Despite the generally tense and eerie mood of the movie, everything ended with what can be called a happy ending. Just as Chris is fighting with Rose, a police car pulls up. However, it is not the police, but Chris' friend Rod.
There are two more alternative endings, and each of them is fascinating in its own way.
First Alternate Ending: Chris Is In Prison
According to the first one, Rose is lying on the street, badly wounded, and Chris is bending over her to finish her off. And at that moment, Chris' face lights up with blue and red lights. It's obvious what it looks like – a black man is strangling a white girl in the middle of the street, there's a dead body nearby, and if you go to the next house, you'll find the rest of the dead family.
In the finale, we see a scene where Rod and Chris meet in prison, where Chris says that he has come to terms with being behind bars. Although he will not be able to achieve justice, he is happy that he has stopped the Armitage clan in their terrible race for other people's bodies and souls. Obviously, the main character is facing a life sentence or even the death penalty.
Second Alternate Ending: Chris Lost The Battle to The Armitages
The movie also has another ending, although Jordan Peele did not film it, and it was only a few pages of the script that were torn out of the final draft.
The final scene of this version was supposed to show the Armitages' house two months after the main events. Here, after several weeks of searching, Rod finally arrives – he is looking for Chris and finds him aimlessly gazing in the window.
Unfortunately, when approached, the missing young man says that he doesn't know who Rod is talking about. This means that Chris, just like Andre, is trapped in his mind, and his body now belongs to the Armitages' rich white guest.
Both alternative endings seem as appropriate as possible. The first is the most realistic – if Chris had been caught by the police, it would have been very difficult for him to explain the numerous deaths and to justify his rage with the attempts of several white people to steal his young, strong body.
The second version is for connoisseurs of the genre. Jordan Peele is known to be a huge fan of horror classics, so his attempt to pay homage is understandable. Perhaps Chris' defeat in a fight with such experienced villains would be a logical ending.
Why Did The Director Choose The Happy Ending?
So why did Peele choose the most unrealistic ending? It turns out that the director followed the audience's lead. The version with the imprisonment was shown to a test audience, and the audience was very dissatisfied – the viewers fell in love with Daniel Kaluuya’s character and desperately wanted him to win in this unequal battle.
The producers also convinced Peele to let Chris be saved, although the director resisted until the last moment, believing that a stronger move would be the lack of justice and the inability to appeal to the court and society.