Get Out, Us, Nope: 5 Convincing Theories About Jordan Peele Movies 

Get Out, Us, Nope: 5 Convincing Theories About Jordan Peele Movies 
Image credit: Universal Pictures, Compass International Pictures, Aquarius Releasing

Horses are not what they seem, and Get Out and Halloween are connected.

All three of Jordan Peele's films are steeped in symbolism that can be interpreted in a variety of ways, which is why there are so many theories that allow you to look at these stories in different ways.

1. Rod Made It All Up in Get Out

One of the first theories was that the whole story was a figment of Rod's imagination. Rod is the character responsible for the comedy relief, as well as the voice of reason.

It is he who tells Chris that going to Rose's parents is a bad idea, digs up information about the strange Armitage family, and ultimately saves his friend in the finale.

Given his suspicion and fascination with conspiracy theories, Rod could have come up with something like this.

2. Get Out And Us Are Connected

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On the Get Out DVD commentary, Peele says that the Armitage family belongs to a secret order that evolved from the Knights Templar.

The head of the clan, Roman Armitage, lost to black athlete Jesse Owens in the 1936 Olympics and gave up his athletic career.

The plot of Us mentions that sometime in the 1940s, a mysterious organization began experimenting with creating clones.

This means that Roman Armitage could be the one at the origin of the clone program, and after the experiments were curtailed, he switched to a local project for his family and inner circle.

3. Jason and Pluto Switched Places Before the Events of Us

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There are several pieces of evidence that support this theory. First, when Jason is playing on the beach, he builds a tunnel instead of a sandcastle.

Second, at the end of the movie, the boy looks at Adelaide (who turns out to be a clone herself), revealing his awareness of his mother's secret, and puts on his mask. Adelaide, in turn, looks at her son in the same way, as if sharing secret knowledge.

4. Us And Halloween Are Connected

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Peele has often professed his love for the John Carpenter classic, calling Halloween one of his favorite films. Thus was born the theory that the universes of Us and Halloween are connected.

Since movies about the silent killer often mention that he has no soul, and in Halloween: Resurrection an extensive network of tunnels underneath the Myers' house is found, the theory arose that a clone of the real Myers may have escaped from the lab.

The double replaced Michael, imprisoned him, and began living the life of an unkillable madman.

5. Horses Are Former People in Nope

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Horses play an important role in Nope – they represent the wild nature that cannot be tamed. On the horse, OJ runs away from the UFO when all the devices around him stops working.

Eventually, OJ's long history with horses helped him understand the proper way to handle the UFO.

There is a theory that the UFO did not actually feed on humans, but through some manipulation turned them into horses and released them into the wild.

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