Guess What Marvel Hero Welcomes New Jersey Visitors Now

Best marketing tactic is always in the little things.
We all know and love Ms. Marvel as a young superhero living in New Jersey. Maybe that's why she is now greeting everyone who drops by Kamala Khan 's city.
New Jersey's welcome sign that has Ms. Marvel sitting on top of the billboard has certainly drawn a lot of eyes, with people praising the creative decision as one of the best examples of Marvel's marketing.
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If you want to check it out as well, you might want to drive onto the Jersey Turnpike. Some people clearly felt the urge to do so.
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After a wave of critical predictions that followed its announcement, 'Ms. Marvel' appeared to have proven the critics wrong after early screenings. One of the most debatable things about the upcoming show was the decision by the studio to alter Kamala Khan's powers, stepping away from her abilities described in the comic books.
However, the move was defended by the show's writers, as well as Marvel President Kevin Feige and Iman Vellani, the actress portraying Kamala Khan. According to them, it was done in order to make sure that Ms. Marvel fits better into the MCU lore.
'Ms. Marvel' arrives at Disney Plus on June 8, with the show to consist of six episodes. The finale will air on July 13.