Harry Potter: Albus Dumbledore’s Cryptic Line Had a Ridiculously Mundane Meaning

Dumbledore says many puzzling things throughout the series, but this revelation in The Deathly Hallows has always confused fans despite being hilariously grounded.
In the entire Wizarding World, there’s no better source of cryptic messages and deep quotes than Albus Dumbledore. The Headmaster always enjoyed making puzzling and unobvious remarks, and at some point, it almost seemed like it was his very own secret sport: making people confused and seeing what would come out of it.
In fact, many mysteries Potterheads still actively discuss and speculate about originate from some line Dumbledore said under the influence of his favorite lemon drops. Many years later, fans still try to figure out what exactly the Headmaster was implying, and they often assume something more significant than the most obvious answer allows.
For instance, out of the many revelations Dumbledore offers Harry in The Deathly Hallows, many fans specifically noted his words about the Invisibility Cloak. "The Cloak, I took out of vain curiosity, and so it could never have worked for me as it works for you, its true owner,” the Headmaster told his favorite student.
And this is where the questions begin!
What does the Cloak offer its true owner that a random user can’t get? Can the Invisibility Cloak do something other than make its user invisible? How could the Cloak “not work” for Dumbledore? Could it not make him completely hidden?
So many questions and speculations arose from this simple phrase, and the most likely answer is so much more mundane and down-to-earth, it’s actually funny.
The most possible explanation for Dumbledore’s line about the Cloak “not working for him as it worked for Harry” is that he simply didn’t use it. Unlike Harry who relied on the Cloak completely, Dumbledore could always make himself invisible, and he had no use for such an artifact. The Headmaster merely studied the Cloak — and it didn’t work for him because he didn’t need it to.
Both Harry and James were actively using the Invisibility Cloak, and that’s what Dumbledore meant here: it worked for them, but it never worked for him. As simple as that.
Alternatively, this line could also reference the Headmaster’s height: perhaps, he was just too tall for the Cloak and it didn’t cover his legs completely. See that pair of disembodied feet wearing thick woolen socks marching in the distance? That’s Albus Dumbledore, and the Invisibility Cloak doesn’t really work for him, does it?