Here's How Jason Momoa Stayed in Shape Without Working Out Once for an Entire Year

We’re all familiar with the stories of celebrities’ intense workouts — but here’s a completely opposite example: Jason Momoa ditched training for a year and stayed in great shape!
Most celebrities — actors, primarily — look phenomenal. They are attractive and in great physical shape, but just like us, they’re rarely just born perfect. Thanks to their profession, constant workouts are part of their daily routine, and this only becomes harder when they need to change their body for another movie or TV series.
Actors typically talk about their workouts and diets in interviews, and some of the stories they tell are nothing short of horrifying.
Others seem like it’s almost effortless for them to keep up the physical routine and stay in shape — but either way, it’s no secret that intense exercises are not something to treat lightly, and actors do them hard.
However, some people just refuse to follow these rules. Take Jason Momoa, for one: the actor revealed that he completely ditched workouts for an entire year and just lived life to its fullest — and he still ended the year in fantastic shape! How is that possible? What is Momoa’s secret, and can we do it so effortlessly, too?
Well, we can…those of us who share the actor’s approach to life, that is.
While disregarding workouts on their own, Jason Momoa still remains very active: he’s in love with boxing and surfing, and he does both these things for pleasure rather than as part of his training. One would guess that if you keep engaging in fights and water activities, you’d burn more than enough calories to stay sharp.
Apart from that, the actor also follows a rather strict diet: he avoids processed food entirely and eats a whole lot of fruits and vegetables. Meat is central to his diet, too, but the actor is always concerned with its quality. He makes sure to receive all the needed nutritional elements from his diet to always stay at his physical peak.
Well, there you have it: this is how Jason Momoa pushed through an entire year without workouts while still looking great. Physically demanding hobbies coupled with a diet consisting of fresh quality products do that to a man, and there’s no secret here.
Source: Exercise With Style