HIMYM: Ted Mosby Forgot His One Ex's Name Thanks To Her Being...A Gamer Girl?

HIMYM: Ted Mosby Forgot His One Ex's Name Thanks To Her Being...A Gamer Girl?
Image credit: CBS

Gamer boys love gamer girls, but it doesn’t mean they memorize their real names. At least, if we were to judge from Ted Mosby from How I Met Your Mother.


  • Throughout his stories, there were only two women whose names Ted Mosby didn’t remember: Blah-Blah and Honey.
  • In the case of Blah-Blah, it was due to their unusual story with Ted since the couple first met in an online game.
  • As they’d spent a lot of time playing together before meeting in person, Ted likely remembered Blah’s in-game nickname better than her real name.

When Ted Mosby retells the best stories from his middle age to his kids, he often refers to his ex-girlfriends and doesn’t have an issue recalling their names. There’s just one exception, though: a girl who he called Blah-Blah due to not remembering her real name. But despite how it sounds, it wasn’t due to Ted being an a-hole.

Ted And Blah-Blah Met In An Online Game

Seeing how she was only part of one episode, viewers learned little about Blah-Blah’s personality, but one thing was stated openly: she met Ted while playing World of Warcraft, a popular video game. Though the couple soon took their relationship to the real world, the circumstances of their acquaintance were crucial.

When Ted was retelling the story about her to his kids, he couldn’t remember the girl’s name, so he replaced it with “Blah-Blah.” This definitely didn’t present the man in the best light, however, it wasn’t his fault he didn’t recall his ex’s name… Or, rather, it was his fault, but to a far lesser extent than it might seem initially.

People Don’t Use Real Names In Video Games

HIMYM: Ted Mosby Forgot His One Ex's Name Thanks To Her Being...A Gamer Girl? - image 1

The unorthodox first acquaintance of Ted and Blah-Blah is largely to blame for his inability to capture her name throughout the years. In video games, people use nicknames instead of their real names, and seeing that Ted and Blah-Blah had spent quite some time playing together, she was associated with her nickname in his head.

The couple didn’t date for long, and admittedly, their online history was longer than their real-world one. After many years, Ted Mosby most likely still remembered his ex’s nickname in World of Warcraft, but it’s not the type of thing one would typically use in a story, moreso in a story told to their kids… And her real name was long forgotten.

But in case you were wondering, Blah-Blah’s actual name was Carol, and seeing how she asked to “call her Blah” in Ted’s story, her full name was likely Caroline.