House of the Dragon: Best Daemon Targaryen Quotes

House of the Dragon: Best Daemon Targaryen Quotes
Image credit: HBO

If anyone knew exactly what was up, it was the most controversial and toxic Targaryen of the bunch.

10. About Family: Blood Runs Deep

“I am your brother, and the blood of the dragon runs deep.”

Say what you will about Daemon Targaryen, but he wasn’t one to turn his back on the family… At least, in his understanding of that action. And if by “family,” we mean “House Targaryen,” not his unfortunate wives. Daemon might have resented his brother’s weakness but was not a traitor, and such notions insulted him gravely.

9. About Protection: You’re Weak, Viserys

“He doesn't protect you. I would… From yourself. You’re weak, Viserys.”

Again, Daemon didn’t necessarily condone Viserys’ vices and flaws. He deemed the King not worthy of sitting on the Iron Throne, but they were brothers — and Daemon wanted to secure Viserys’ power and safety. The latter’s weakness was not a reason to exploit him in Daemon’s eyes but a reason to stick closer and protect him.

8. About Leeches: How Fat the Leech Grows…

“No matter how fat the leech grows, it always wants for another meal.”

Viserys’ reluctance to offer him the position of Hand didn’t just insult Daemon because he was egoistic and power-hungry; and not just because he wanted to protect his brother. He also recognized Otto Hightower for what he was: a leech, always on the lookout for itself, and always taking more no matter what it had.

7. About Grief: All in Our Own Way

“We must all mourn in our own way, Your Grace.”

The circumstances of this particular quote would’ve been gravely for anyone but Daemon Targaryen who only escaped execution thanks to his blood relation with the King. Nonetheless, he was right in his own way: everyone mourns differently, and it’s important to remember if you feel like someone isn’t grieving “like they should be.”

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6. About Subordination: Speak as I Wish

“I will speak of my brother as I wish. You will not.”

While Daemon often indulged in pointing out Viserys’ flaws and incompetence, he didn’t tolerate others doing the same. Even if you’re a Velaryon, you can’t start poking at your King; only his brother is allowed such liberties, and only because they’re brothers. Anything else is insubordination or even downright treason.

5. About Justice: Learn to Fear

“Beginning tonight, King's Landing will learn to fear the color gold.”

As a character introduction, Daemon Targaryen’s slaughter of criminals in King’s Landing was amazing. After learning about the worrisome crime rates in the capital, he led his Gold Cloaks to “battle” against the unarmed and the unfortunate, butchering half of the city — all just to prove a point: don’t mess with the dragon.

4. About Honesty: You Will Die Screaming

“If you swear fealty now only to later turn your cloaks, know that you will die screaming.”

Even amid the brewing civil war, Daemon kept following his principles, a code known only to him. When speaking to two knights about their support for either faction, he gave them a simple choice. If they admitted their loyalty to the Greens, they’d have a “clean and honorable death,” but if they opted for treachery, they’d deeply regret it.

3. About Happiness: A Tragic World

“This is a tragic world. You cannot live your life in fear, or you will forsake the best parts of it.”

Surprisingly wise and astute at times, Daemon saw the world for what it was, a tragic place, but refused to give in to it — and advised others to do the same. He recognized fear as the greatest enemy of life, and claimed that those who lived in fear missed out on the best life had to offer. He was right about that, of course.

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2. About Wisdom: Gods Give and Take

“The gods give just as the gods take away.”

Again, this quote’s circumstances might not have painted Daemon in the best light: he was speaking of his brother’s deceased infant son, after all. But it’s not like Daemon wasn’t content with such a turn of events — and his words, again, bear the wisdom of stoicism. The gods can give and take from you, and you can’t stop them.

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1. About Power: Dreams Didn’t Make Us Kings

“Dreams didn’t make us kings. Dragons did.”

It’s easy to forget how you got there once you’re already at the top, but Daemon never did. Born into the royal family, he knew perfectly well that House Targaryen’s rule was based solely on their dragons’ terrifying power and the fear they instilled in others — and he didn’t intend to overlook that advantage out of his own comfort.

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