House of the Dragon Fans Have a Wild Theory About This Long-Awaited Character’s Introduction in S3

And you will never guess who he will enter the story with.
House of the Dragon ’s upcoming third season has enough source material from George Martin ’s lore in Fire & Blood, but the show still needs to come up with a good resolution for a major character’s storyline that Martin himself never said a word about.
The second season sees Otto Hightower being expelled from King's Landing and heading to Oldtown where, apparently, he later on gets imprisoned for an unknown reason. In this case Martin’s book can’t even give a spoiler since Otto’s prison scene is nothing more than a creation of the showrunners’ mind.
However, House of the Dragon’s fans already have their own theory in which Otto owes his miraculous salvation to one of his grandsons (well, it’s not Aegon, as you might’ve guessed).
Otto Hightower’s Imprisonment Plot Twist Has Only 1 Explanation So Far
House of the Dragon doesn’t bother to make it all clear about Otto after he’s gone and nobody even knows whether he in fact made it to Oldtown or not, especially since he could’ve easily gotten into trouble on the way home.
George Martin’s book doesn’t have any explanation for the matter, so it was up to fans to come up with their own version of events, and it does seem plausible. If Otto indeed was headed to Oldtown, his route would run not very far from House Beesbury lands, the owners of which had a very solid reason to hold Otto captive.
As season 2 reveals at some point, House Beesbury has officially rebelled against the Hightowers and, naturally, all the Greens; additionally, Lord Lyman Beesbury fells victim when the Greens plot against Rhaenyra by naming Aegon king, but this issue hasn’t reached other Beesburys’ ears so far.
Otto Hightower Is Likely to Be Back in Season 3 — Alongside Daeron Targaryen
Having been entirely missing from both seasons’ plot, Daeron might still enter the scene in the next instalment, especially since the second season’s episodes repeatedly hinted so. In the book, Daeron is an essential game player during the Battle of the Honeywine, when House Beesbury gets involved in the whole fight between the Greens and the Blacks and sides with the latter ones.
Despite being imprisoned and expelled by his own family, Otto also has his own reasons to come back to the story since he’s undoubtedly the strongest Targaryen when it comes to political strategies. Considering that the Greens are already in a huge crisis even before the full-scale war unfolds, a potential victory would probably prevail over personal clashes.