Is Blue Bloods Foreshadowing Frank's S14 Retirement or Are You Seeing Things?

We’ll be the first to admit that we might have mistaken the calm before the storm for a silver lining when it comes to Frank Reagan’s career future in Season 14.
- With Blue Bloods Season 14 being the show’s finale, it must tie up all loose ends and storylines.
- Frank Reagan seemed to finally mend fences with Mayor Chase in the premiere, but a larger conflict soon emerged.
- The Mayor’s attempts to severely hamper the Commissioner’s power are likely a direct foreshadowing of Frank’s upcoming retirement.
Seeing how Blue Bloods is coming to a closure after this season, it’s only fair to assume that many episodes foreshadow different characters and storylines’ endings one way or another. Our favorite PC Frank Reagan, for one, has long been a subject of speculation in terms of his career’s future or lack thereof, but Season 14 has managed to bamboozle us on that, we have to admit.
It Looked Like Frank Reagan Changed…
In the premiere episode of Blue Bloods Season 14, we saw something we never deemed possible: Frank Reagan and Mayor Chase finally agreed on something! We immediately felt something was off and even called it out; but ultimately, like other fans, we fell for the illusion of the Commissioner and the Mayor mending fences.
With that idea planted in the premiere episode, we genuinely expected this to be Frank’s core storyline for the final Blue Bloods season: burying the hatchet with his rival of many years. We even though we knew why that was happening — because, perhaps, Frank was getting ready for retirement and finally relaxed.
But we have to admit that we had it all wrong and twisted.
…Until It Didn’t, and We Saw the Truth
The sudden harmony between the Commish and the Mayor didn’t last long at all. After finding common ground for what feels like the first time in forever, the two got into a much larger confrontation with Mayor Chase wanting to turn Frank’s one-man position into an entire committee — an idea that, of course, found no sympathy from the Commissioner.
The Reagan patriarch isn’t willing to release the power over the NYPD from his grasp, and his political rival seems hellbent on taking it from Frank. The clash of the two men can go either way for now, but we’re positive that it directly foreshadows Frank Reagan’s upcoming retirement — whether because Mayor Chase wins or because the Commish gives in.
Yes, we’re still convinced that by the finale of Blue Bloods, Frank Reagan will no longer be the NYPD Commissioner… But for a reason opposite our initial version.