Jim Parsons Was The Last Person To Find Out That Sheldon And Amy Were Going To "Do It"

That was a real “Bazinga!”
One of the things that fans of The Big Bang Theory love about the show is that the characters were developed so carefully and thoughtfully that when their entire personalities changed over the course of the show, it actually felt natural.
Really, think about it. When we first met Howard, we couldn't help but say "ugh" to almost everything he did and said. But in the end, we were happy to see how far he had come from being a lousy womanizer to becoming a respected astronaut, husband, and father. And that didn’t feel forced at all.
Almost the same thing happened with Raj, who couldn't even be in the same room with Penny at first, but ended up in bed with her... Well, not the best example, but you get the idea. He dealt with his issues and became a real man.
But the best transformation of all happened to Sheldon, of course. He went from being the most sociopathic creature on earth to being a caring boyfriend and husband. Of course, none of this would have happened without Amy's patience, but still.
Although fans were stunned when the first hints of Sheldon becoming a real human being with feelings and emotions appeared, it still felt natural. Sheldon and Amy's first kiss was probably one of the most anticipated moments of the entire show.
But there was something else that surprised fans even more. Yes, the very idea of Sheldon finally feeling comfortable being intimate with his girlfriend. But there's a funny story about how Sheldon actor Jim Parsons found out about his character's "manhood."
Mayim Bialik, who played Amy, was actually the one who told him. They met on the set one day and she asked him if he had read the script. He jokingly asked if their characters would "do it". And then Bialik just gave him a look that said there was a lot of truth to his joke.
To say he was in shock is to say nothing. But hey, look how far they got after that! Probably the best twist in the show.
Source: Them