Karl Urban’s Striking Performance Sparked Last-Minute Changes in The Boys Season 4 Finale

Karl Urban’s Striking Performance Sparked Last-Minute Changes in The Boys Season 4 Finale
Image credit: Amazon Prime Video

Just give Karl Urban an Emmy.

In The Boys, series creator Eric Kripke is trying to convey two ideas. The first is that no one should have too much power. The second is that it is important to stay human when fighting monsters.

And the showrunner of The Boys, as a big Star Wars fan, is obviously not indifferent to the "Luke, I am your father" topic – how else to explain that the whole season revolved around problems of parents and children.

The fourth season of The Boys is still high-quality TV, and yet it loses some of its former self. The charismatic Butcher, although justified by the plot, was relegated to the sidelines, occasionally appearing on screen mostly to cough and faint.

One Butcher Scene Impressed Eric Kripke More Than Others

In the finale, however, the character proved himself, and it was one of the final scenes with Butcher that Kripke liked so much that it was eventually changed at the last minute.

Karl Urban’s Striking Performance Sparked Last-Minute Changes in The Boys Season 4 Finale - image 1

We are talking about the scene of Butcher's conversation with Hughie, in which the former remembers a place he heard about when he was a kid – a steakhouse in Nevada. As they say goodbye, he asks Hughie to go there for him and his younger brother Lenny, who committed suicide before the events of Season 1.

Kripke wrote on his X account:

“So this Butcher scene KILLED me. Originally, we planned to cut back & forth between him & Hughie. But @KarlUrban was so heartbreakingly great, we just held on him. He's delivering top shelf, Emmy winning work here consistently.”

Butcher's arc in the fourth season, even though it faded into the background, turned out to be one of the most emotional. The hallucinations with Jeffrey Dean Morgan's character clearly showed Butcher's fading consciousness, but on the other hand, the essence of this character was to show that even in the most difficult situation, Butcher is capable of more than others.

And yes, Karl Urban still hasn't won an Emmy for his role in The Boys. So maybe this is the right time to finally give him one.

Source: Eric Kripke on X

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