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Kurt Russell’s Adrenaline-Fueled 90s Thriller Is a Must-Watch for Gone Girl Fans

Kurt Russell’s Adrenaline-Fueled 90s Thriller Is a Must-Watch for Gone Girl Fans
Image credit: Legion-Media

Here comes an overlooked roller coaster of a movie.

10 years ago, David Fincher’s psychological hit rekindled people’s interest in good old thrillers that rob you of sleep for a long time. The wholesomeness of its screenplay was enhanced by once-in-a-lifetime performances of Ben Affleck and Rosamund Pike.

There is an unfairly forgotten 1990s gem that actually paved the way for Gone Girl and for a number of other modern thrillers too. It is led by the star of 80s and 90s action flicks, Kurt Russell, and be sure that his charisma is much more obvious than Affleck's.

The 1997 movie starts by introducing us to Jeff and Amy, a married couple who experience car trouble after a road accident. They end up stranded in the New Mexico desert, where they eventually stop a passing truck driver and ask him for help.

It seems to be the end of the couple’s troubles, but it appears to be the very beginning of their journey, as the driver takes Amy and disappears with her. It is Jeff who should figure out who the abductor really is and how to get his missing wife back.

If you’ve seen Gone Girl, you might be confused now, as this synopsis is barely reminiscent of Fincher’s film. But don’t hurry, as Russell-starring thriller also offers an emotional roller coaster and exploration of the protagonists’ real nature.

Besides, you should see this movie if you enjoy flicks that are set mostly on the road with its high speed and heated asphalt, as well as onscreen confrontations. These include Steven Spielberg-directed Duel (1971) and Rutger Hauer’s The Hitcher (1986).

Titled Breakdown, it is in fact one of the best movies of the 1990s, with numerous critics praising its pace, impeccable screenwriting and, of course, Russell’s performance.

“Banger. When I think “thriller” this is the sh*t I’m talking about. Holds up well, too,” concludes Redditor @SodiumKickker about the film in its recent discussion.

Indeed, if you’re a genre veteran who misses perfectly crafted thrillers or a fan of Kurt Russell, don’t miss Breakdown, as it’s now available on Prime and Apple TV+ .