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Lightsaber Duels That Define Star Wars, Ranked

Lightsaber Duels That Define Star Wars, Ranked
Image credit: globallookpress

As one of the most famous aspects of Star Wars, these battles are often the highlights of the franchise that fans eagerly anticipate with each new release.

Lightsabers are a thing that defines Star Wars, as this "elegant weapon for a more civilized age" is arguably the most iconic and instantly recognizable piece of fictional technology in history.

Lightsaber duels have become a Star Wars staple, and we have ranked the five best of them.

5. Obi-Wan vs. Maul (Star Wars Rebels)

This fight from episode 20 of season 3 of the animated series only lasts a few seconds, but its significance is hard to underestimate.

In a quick but brutal standoff, the former Sith Lord attempts to use the same maneuver that killed Qui-Gon Jinn years ago, but is struck down by Obi-Wan.

4. Ahsoka vs. Maul (Star Wars: The Clone Wars)

The long-awaited final season of the animated series gave fans everything they wanted, including this unforgettable duel, which felt fierce and realistic despite its animated nature thanks to a great use of motion capture technology.

3. Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon vs. Maul (Episode I – The Phantom Menace)

The fight that set the bar for lightsaber duels for years to come, this climactic battle was absolutely perfect in its choreography and soundtrack.

It showed what Jedi were capable of during the golden years of the Order and was the best part of an otherwise controversial film.

2. Luke vs. Darth Vader (Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back)

This intense confrontation on Bespin showed Vader in all his menacing glory.

The way he overpowered Luke and made him flee with little effort only further established what a formidable foe the Dark Lord of the Sith was, and it all ended with one of the most legendary reveals in movie history.

1. Anakin vs. Obi-Wan (Episode III – Revenge of the Sith)

The climactic moment of the prequel trilogy, this duel has been anticipated by every fan of the franchise.

With two equally skilled former friends battling it out on the fiery landscape of Mustafar, it was beautifully choreographed, extremely intense, and had a great soundtrack by John Williams.

One of the best moments in all of Star Wars, it completely justified the existence of the prequels for many fans.