Misha Collins Played 9 Roles on Supernatural: Can You Remember Them All?

You know him as Castiel, but we bet you can’t remember all 9 of these characters that Misha Collins played on Supernatural.
Misha Collins is a brilliant actor, as any fan who has seen his work will attest. Supernatural saw some of his finest-ever performances, and he played not one, not two, but a staggering 9 different roles over the 15 years of the show’s run.
Let’s see how many you remember…
1. Castiel
Let us get the most obvious out of the way first. Castiel was such a brilliantly complex character, who showed us that angels could be flawed and redeemed, just like us mere mortals. He struggled, he made mistakes, but the thing about Cas was he never stopped trying to be better. And his capacity for love was mind-blowing.
2. Jimmy Novak
The human character and Castiel’s vessel, Jimmy. When Cas first possessed him, he did not think twice about it. But as Cas became fonder of humans, he realized what he had taken from Jimmy, as well as Jimmy’s wife, Amelia, and his daughter, Claire. Redemption and trying to save Claire becomes an important arc for Cas as a result.
3. Godstiel/Leviathan Possessed Castiel
This one was a game-changer. The audience had a feeling Cas was going a bit far, and boy were we proven right when Leviathan possessed him. This started a brutal story arc that would see unlikely alliances, deaths, and shocks aplenty.
4. Casifer/Lucifer Possessed Castiel
This one hurt. By the time Lucifer took over Castiel, we already loved Cas and loathed Lucifer. Then we need to see Cas murder Rowena, who we were really starting to love, and betray Sam and Dean. Hard to watch and made us all despise Lucifer even more.
5. Cosmic Entity/Shadow in The Empty
We had heard of The Empty but actually seeing it was next-level terrifying. Cas wakes up in this awful, and very well-named place and comes across this Cosmic Entity which takes on his form. Here we get to see Castiel having a conversation with a wildly different character and one of Collins’ most impressive performances as he interacts with himself in such different ways.
6. Misha Collins
In one of the lighter episodes, we get to see Collins playing himself. When Sam and Dean find themselves in an alternate reality where they are perceived as their actor counterparts, Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki, hilarity ensues. And we get a brilliantly funny performance from Collins who has a real thing for Twitter.
7. Emmanuel
Remember the healer, Emmanuel? Given he only appeared in one episode, we will forgive you for missing this one. But his appearance and his remembering who he was, broke down the barriers between Cas and Dean and saw forgiveness become possible. And our group was finally reunited once more.
8. 2014 Castiel
In an alternate universe, we meet this version of Cas, and he couldn’t be more different from the one we are used to. He is the most human version of Cas, and we don’t mean that as a compliment.
9. Apocalypse World Castiel
Did someone say evil, and add a German accent to make damn sure we all get the Nazi reference? Here we have a horrible, cruel version of Cas that we are glad our version of Cas killed.