
New Scariest Horror Ever Sits at 100% Tomatometer but Doesn't Impress Fans

New Scariest Horror Ever Sits at 100% Tomatometer but Doesn't Impress Fans
Image credit: Neon

Horror fans just don’t trust movie critics anymore — even when it comes to perfect-score films with star-studded casts.

Everyone and their Grandmas are making horror movies and TV shows these days. The genre might seem relatively straightforward to laymen, but it really isn’t — and the ridiculously high percentage of flops among new horror releases proves it. Just like comedy, it’s really hard to craft a compelling horror story in a way that will genuinely scare the experienced connoisseurs instead of making them cringe.

And yet every other week, we get a new “most terrifying movie of the decade,” and every time, fans are getting frustrated over it.

New Best Horror Movie Is 10 Days Away

If you’ve been out and about the horror genre for a while now, you’ve likely come across Oz Perkins — an actor, writer, and director obsessed with all things scary. While not necessarily a pillar of the community, Perkins is a more-than-prominent figure… And his next horror movie, Longlegs, is to premiere on July 12, 2024.

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Longlegs follows an FBI agent investigating a serial killer’s case. As she gets deeper into the maniac’s business, she finds more and more occult clues and soon discovers a personal connection to him. Stopping him becomes more than just a job to her, but the killer, Longlegs, is not someone you’d like to ever cross.

While Longlegs only premieres in 10 days, some critics have already watched it — and their reviews are raving. Fans, however, are very much not buying the hype.

Horror Fans Don’t Trust Critics Anymore

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It’s not rare that movie fans and professional critics have very different outlooks of the same pictures. In fact, their reviews and scores are often polar opposite. In the case of Longlegs, the movie already boasts a perfect 100% Critic Score on Rotten Tomatoes — and arguably, it’s working against its success with the audience. Horror fans are totally not buying into the hype projected by the critics.

“If a movie is described as 'the most terrifying movie of the decade that will leave audiences so horrified that they become sick to their stomachs' you'll know it's not good lol,” X (formerly Twitter) user theiconicashley wrote.

Dozens of people in the comment section agree with them. Some have already decided against watching Longlegs; others claim they’re hyped for it anyway but the phrasing of the critics doesn’t ever change and that’s annoying. Either way, we lowkey want Longlegs to be good: after all, it’s an Oz Perkins-directed Nicolas Cage-starrer, and we’re out here starving for some quality Cage content.