New Superman Actor Looks Exactly Like Henry Cavill, So Why the Hassle?

James Gunn has revealed his new Man of Steel, and the fans didn't skip a beat to point out the Superman in the room: the new actor looks just like Henry Cavill.
The anticipation for the new Man of Steel actor has been real ever since James Gunn announced the casting.
Along with pretty much every other DC character, one of the two most iconic DC superheroes needed to change since the new DC co-head claimed that he wanted a "fresh and young" set of actors for the Universe relaunch.
Vast numbers of DC fans are unhappy about this decision since after months of being "d*cked around" (as Gunn himself described it) by the company, the fan-favorite Henry Cavill was finally kicked out of his bright-red cape.
While the actor was seen by many as the perfect Man of Steel, his fate was unfortunately sealed.
After a long period of anticipation and guesses, James Gunn finally announced the new Superman that will start off the relaunched DC Universe with Superman: Legacy.
The cape of the most iconic superhero in history is passed onto David Corenswet, and Rachel Brosnahan is chosen to become his Lois Lane.
The fan reacted to the news in the most predictable way possible: after looking at the pictures of Corenswet, they immediately pointed out that the new actor…
Looks just like Cavill if he wasn't pumping as much iron! And this is undeniably true: the resemblance is almost uncanny, and we can see where Gunn was coming from.
In the comment section under the announcement, there are hundreds of comments joking about the director's choice.
Some claim that Corenswet "looks like a Walmart Henry Cavill," others muse that this is how Cavill and Murphy's son would look like, and some are just vaguely wondering what the point of the recasting even was.
Apart from the jokers (pun intended), the general sentiment is separated between those who are claiming to boycott Superman: Legacy because of the previous Man of Steel's exit and those who are wishing good luck to David Corenswet and hope he doesn't find the need to fill in his predecessor's shoes too overwhelming.
This is hardly how you want the world to welcome your new future star, but James Gunn was likely ready for such a reaction: after all, there was no way he wasn't aware that his new Man of Steel looked like a Lite version of Henry Cavill, and considering the circumstances of the latter's exit, the backlash was predictable.