Nostalgia Alert: 10 Saturday Morning Cartoons All '80s Kid Remember

The SatAM segment was filled with so many different shows in the 80s that became the basis of identity for so many kids.
These 10 animated series are the ones that we will carry deep in our hearts throughout our whole lives — and you probably will also feel the tingle of nostalgia after skimming through it.
Now, 30 years later, we realize that being a kid was fun.
We had no responsibilities, no taxes to think of, no jobs to do, no plants to water and take care of, no dentist appointments to schedule. We had our whole lives ahead of us, filled with exploration and entertainment. (And education, too, but who cared about that?)
These Saturday morning cartoons provided us with things to discuss with our fellow kid neighbors, they gave us plots to reenact during our recess, and role models to look up to.
Who didn't want to drive Optimus Prime in his semi-truck form?
Who didn't want to spend his afternoon surrounded by fluffy Care Bears? Who didn't annoy everyone in the vicinity mumbling the Inspector Gadget main theme? We're guilty of all of that, and we don't regret a second of it. Hope you are, too.