On a Quest to Get Straight Male Fans, Jamie Dornan Lobbied for a Superhero Role

What does it take to get famous?
Some say it's easy – you have talent and you star in good movies. But what does it take to bring straight men into the realm of your fans? Play a superhero in one of the Marvel movies!
At least that is what Jamie Dornan thinks should work. In a candid interview with the New York Times, the Fifty Shades of Grey star shared his dreams.
"What have I done, three war movies? You'd think that might help my cause out a little bit with straight men, but probably not. I think you need to be in that comic-book world to really grab their attention," Dornan revealed, adding that he is more ambitious than ever to achieve that goal.
"It's like a necessity to deliver and provide [for his children], very caveman-esque: I must succeed for these precious little people," Dornan joked. He also recalled his late father and his strong desire to succeed in his name.
So, it was the hunt for straight men that brought Dornan to Marvel's chief Kevin Fiege to have a conversation about what kind of MCU property could be a perfect fit for Dornan. Sadly, nothing came out of it after all.
It is no secret that the Christian Grey actor auditioned for the much sought-after role of Superman for Man of Steel, but it was Henry Cavill aka Geralt of Rivia who ended up getting the 'prize'. The Marvel Cinematic Universe is huge. There are so many characters that Dornan could play, and who knows, maybe we'll see him as one of them.
Interestingly, there are a dozen Hollywood A-listers who have dreamed of playing superheroes. This is for instance who Tom Hanks wanted to play. "Let me play the bad guy against Batman. I'll do anything, call me, they've never asked," he said once.
"I want to play The Flash or something like that. They'll never give me a chance. God, I want to throw a shield at somebody," Hanks said in response to a fan's question on social media in 2013 while on a promotional tour for Captain Phillips.
To some of us, Harry Potter looks like a superhero – after all, he has a powerful wand that even Lord Voldemort seems to fear. But that is not enough for Danielle Radcliffe, whose dream has always been to play Batman's counterpart Robin.
"If they reboot that again, I'll do that, too. It's happening, isn't it? With Ben Affleck. I could be Robin. I'm perfect," Radcliffe said at the 2014 BuzzFeed Q&A.