TV Riverdale Netflix

One Reason Why Riverdale Fans Won't Ever Be Satisfied With The Series' Finale

One Reason Why Riverdale Fans Won't Ever Be Satisfied With The Series' Finale
Image credit: The CW

Some characters were forever lost in time jumps.

As Riverdale approached its grand finale, everyone gathered around their screens to see how exactly the show would resolve all the messes its characters got into last season. Everyone was pretty sure that the producers would find a way to get them all out of the '50s and allow them to make one last connection to their real selves.

And they did, but then they ruined it by sending all the characters back in time.

No matter how much love the final season of the show got, that one thing will forever leave a salty taste in everyone's mouth. When you are at the finish line of something as big and unique as Riverdale, you want to see the characters you love in the finale. But Riverdale fans stuck with their '50s versions.

Not only was it not believable that the characters would decide to stay in the '50s forever after getting all of their real memories back, but it also wasn't fair to the audience. Many felt that the writers were just trying to erase everything they'd built up over the past 6 seasons in order to wrap up the story in the easiest way possible.

“I know they are technically the same characters but they aren’t really. The finale episode as a concept was actually so good. The problem is that why should we care what happens to these characters because this season has essentially started from the beginning. <...> I really wanted to be emotional and cry my eyes out but I just didn’t care,” Redditor Birdiefly5678 shared their thoughts on the finale.

Though Riverdale's ending is generally considered very clever and appealing to everyone within the fandom, there are still fans who lack the build-up and emotional connection to the new versions of the characters they like.

If anything, season 7 of Riverdale felt like a reboot. And as much as everyone loves a good reboot, that doesn't mean you can just leave the original story behind and never come back.

If you missed Riverdale's grand finale, which aired this week on The CW, you can catch it on Netflix. Let us know what you thought of the finale in the poll below!

Do you think writers did justice to the Riverdale finale?

Source: Reddit