One TBBT Storyline Handled So Poorly That It Still Bothers Fans

With all the love, there can still be a reason for a little hate.
The Big Bang Theory is one of the most popular shows on television. Fans around the world are obsessed with four geeky friends and their awkward social lives.
Over the course of 12 seasons, we saw Sheldon, Leonard, Raj, and Howard become their better selves as their lives were completely transformed. There were a lot of factors that got us there. For example, the fact that Penny, Bernadette and Amy became a big part of the show.
In fact, the female characters of the show changed a lot over the course of the show. Amy started out as a complete stranger to friendship and ended up with not one, but two best friends (excluding Sheldon). And Bernadette went from being a powerful scientist to a wife and mother of two.
But when it comes to Penny and her personality changes, some of them seem a little forced. For example, there is one particular Penny storyline that fans absolutely hate.
Throughout all 12 seasons, Penny claims that she never wanted to be a mother. Even when she was in a committed relationship with Leonard and even after they were married. But at the end of the show we suddenly find out that she is pregnant.
Of course, some facts tried to explain this as “she just changed her mind and now she is happy with her new decision.” Although true fans didn't buy that excuse.
“We actually don't even see her to be happy about it or to say anything in the sense of changing her mind. She is still very hesitant when they discuss it with Leonard, she doesn't want to tell anyone and points out that Leonard didn't put on a condom. To her friends she says that she was drinking and that it was an accident, no traces of happiness or excitement,” Redditor NihilisticCucumber said.
Still, we want to believe that in the end, Penny will be happy with the decision she made. Maybe a little glimpse of her future life with the baby would have helped…