Movies Barbie Margot Robbie

Only 1 Plot Twist Can Save Margot Robbie’s Monopoly From Game Adaptations Fatigue

Only 1 Plot Twist Can Save Margot Robbie’s Monopoly From Game Adaptations Fatigue
Image credit: Legion-Media

The actress was obviously pretty much inspired by Barbie’s stunning success.


  • Margot Robbie has just added to her work schedule one more project based on a popular game, while already having a Sims movie in her company’s development.
  • According to the reports, Margot and her company already have a pretty clear idea for the Monopoly-based future film, but some fans have come up with a life-saving storyline that has something to do with the game’s history.
  • If the future movie’s plot is at least loosely based on the particular fact from the Monopoly’s history, there’s a chance for the film to stand out of the line of one-type game-based projects.

For Margot Robbie life in plastic may be over, but the game world will be ruling over her career for quite some time.

Just a couple of weeks after the news broke that the actress was about to produce a movie based on the fan-favorite Sims game, Variety has yet another report that Robbie’s producing company is also set to release a Monopoly film — the idea of which is inspired by the world’s most famous board game.

Though the report claims that the actress and her colleagues have already come up with “a clear point of view” for the upcoming film, nothing about the plot has been revealed yet.

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After the news about the Monopoly movie being in the works first appeared, fans were quick to contribute to a heated discussion with their own ideas for the film — and one of them in particular has a potential to save the upcoming movie from the game-turned-into-a-film curse that Margot Robbie (most likely unintentionally) signed up for.

On Reddit, many users have so far expressed their excitement (or disappointment in most of the cases) about the actress’s new project that will continue her somewhat weird trend for bringing the famous games’ plots to the cinema screen.

Only 1 Plot Twist Can Save Margot Robbie’s Monopoly From Game Adaptations Fatigue - image 2

Among all the comments that clearly wonder about the movie’s potential plot or the actor that will get to portray the game’s mascot Rich Uncle Pennybags, one particular mention of the Monopoly’s history may become the only way for the film to beat or at least come close to the game’s insane popularity.

Thus, one user took it to the Monopoly’s original idea that dates back to the beginning of the 20th century. The game was initially made to criticize the omnipresent capitalism that was gaining its momentum back then.

Surprisingly, it’s a fact that not so many players would ever think about — and now it may seem like a good angle for Robbie’s upcoming movie that could become a good parody of modern society or even a harsh satire based on a harmless family board game.

Source: Variety