Reddit Picks an Unexpected Trilogy as MCU's Best One

We've seen quite a few trilogies in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and fans seem to know which one is the best.
Before we present you with Reddit's choice for Marvel's best cinematic trilogy, let's remember all the trilogies within the Marvel Cinematic Universe (not including Avengers).
6. Iron Man trilogy
If Iron Man 2008 was met with the same mixed reaction as the Hulk movie released later that year, MCU wouldn't be as huge as it is right now.
But with Robert Downey Jr., who appeared to be born for this role, with great VFX and CGI, and a great origin story, Iron Man gained great success.
Unfortunately, the sequels couldn't outshine the first movie and the Iron Man 2008 is still considered to be the best movie in the trilogy, and one of the best movies in the MCU.
5. Captain America trilogy
The first Captain America movie introduced this popular character from the pages of the comics on the big screen. The second film was a blockbuster with some spy elements added to it.
And the third film is a crossover that can hardly be called a Captain America solo movie, as it was an adaptation of the Civil War arc from the comics.
4. Thor trilogy
Let's not include Love and Thunder, as it is the fourth movie about this character.
First two movies had relatively the same style and tone with a serious protagonist. The third movie completely changed the perspective as we've seen a different version of the character.
Therefore, the third movie, directed by Taika Waititi, is perceived as something new and fresh. Let's just pretend Love and Thunder doesn't exist.
3. Spider-Man trilogy
It's great that the viewers weren't suggested to watch Spider-Man's origin for the third time. Each film of the trilogy was great entertainment featuring new Spider-Man villains while not losing the connection with the events of the MCU.
2. Ant-Man trilogy
First two movies are absolutely fun to watch. The way Scott Lang's superpowers are incorporated in the storyline deserves credit.
The third Ant-Man movie rested on its shoulders a very difficult task to introduce the antagonist of the whole phase, and unfortunately, many fans believe the movie didn't manage to do it.
1. Guardians of the Galaxy trilogy
This trilogy is the last on the list for a reason. According to the fans, who have already watched the third movie, the trilogy about the Guardians of the Galaxy is arguably the best thus far.
There are different reasons for it, but the main reason is the consistent quality of the trilogy, and it is mainly a merit of James Gunn who made this team popular and beloved.
Source: Reddit