TV The Boys

Reddit's Unpopular Opinion About Black Noir is Surprisingly On Point

Reddit's Unpopular Opinion About Black Noir is Surprisingly On Point
Image credit: Prime Video

Reddit has been extra vocal about Black Noir's role in the show. Considered an unpopular opinion by many, Reddit seems to think otherwise. Surprisingly the opinions on The Boys subreddit are quite understandable.

Many have reservations about the show's handling of the character's development and demise. We're going to make sense of everything and dive into why fans have these feelings.

A Wasted Character

From the moment he first appeared clad in black, the mysteriously silent Black Noir, a member of the Seven, has left fans intrigued and wanting more. Being the team's dark ninja, his ferocity and ability were unmatched. However, he had a sensitive and compassionate side. His fate, however, was sealed when he returned to face Soldier Boy and was ultimately left to die helplessly on the floor.

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Fans feel that his backstory could have been addressed further instead of him being killed off for shock value. The build-up his character had throughout the show's three seasons is viewed as a waste of screen time when considering the outcome. Redditors state that the fatal moment Black Noir decides to face his past could have alternatively led to a moment of redemption with Soldier Boy. One user even proposed a storyline in which the character chooses not to return and takes up a monk-like existence, living in quiet solitude.

The Boys Should Start Killing Off Main Characters Already

Some fans counter the claims with the argument that providing Noir with this uninspired ending was for the purpose of subverting the fans' expectations. A popular trick in the television scene, it is one many feel the show should have passed on. Exchanging this tactic for a more fulfilling outcome would have resonated more with Noir's fans as well as situated the show with more route's to explore in season four. Fans feel this decision was made not by the writers, but by the executives seeking a 180-surprise for rating's sake.

A Lesson to Be Learned

Whether they choose to admit it or not, the show took a major misstep in the execution (no pun intended) of Black Noir's character. To appease the Hollywood status quo the show ignored the response from fans, who at the end of the day, make or break a show. Fans of The Boys can only hope that the production team has learned from this instance and will choose to consider the fans when making such significant decisions moving forward.