Movies Supernatural The Twilight Saga

Science Says Twilight's Vampires Can Actually Sparkle, But Movies Still Got it Wrong

Science Says Twilight's Vampires Can Actually Sparkle, But Movies Still Got it Wrong
Image credit: Legion-Media

Checkmate, haters!

The fact that Stephanie Meyer's vampires sparkle in the sun like fairies instead of burning like classic bloodsuckers do has long been the butt of jokes on the Twilight saga.

Well, an actual scientific take on the sparkling vampires exists on Reddit and lowkey makes sense, so guess who's laughing now?

To make a long and surprisingly lengthy scientific explanation short, the thing that causes vampires to sparkle "doesn't tend to exist inside" and "is fairly easily blocked by things like umbrellas or thick clouds."

That narrows the search to UV radiation and microwaves. The theory author Iustinianus_I suggests that "UV radiation is much more likely to be the culprit since it is much easier to reduce the frequency of EM radiation than to increase it."

In fact, if it is UV radiation that makes vampires sparkle in the sun, it means several things. First of all, vampirical sparkling is of no supernatural nature, and it's nothing but physics – presuming that a certain material in vampires' skin is really that sensitive to UV.

Secondly... there is, in fact, no need for vampires to hide away from the sun if the theory is true. They might as well just use sunscreen and never worry about getting exposed.

"I don't really blame them for not figuring this out, though, since most probably have never had a need to use sunscreen in the first place. Third, vampire raves with blacklights would be awesome," the theory author concluded.

See? You no longer ponder the nature of the sparkling skin that vampires have. You're thinking of those raves now. You're welcome.