Should You Watch The Last of Us If You Never Played the Game?

Should You Watch The Last of Us If You Never Played the Game?
Image credit: Legion-Media

Now that HBO seems to have a new hit in its portfolio, some people might be reluctant to give it a try because of their lack of video game background. Is that really a problem?

HBO's The Last of Us videogame adaptation appears to be enjoying nothing but perfect scores from critics and praise from the audience, with many dubbing the Pedro Pascal-led series HBO's next big hit.

But do you actually need to be in any way familiar with the game's universe in order to give The Last of Us a try? It turns out that it won't be an issue for you even if you have never heard of the game before the series premiere.

Since the show focuses on the adaptation of the first part of the game, you don't have to be an expert to begin the journey alongside the TV versions of Ellie and Joel. Moreover, if you are not too keen on video games in general, the HBO show could be a great way to familiarize yourself with the iconic storyline without having to download and play, since the series has a very similar tone and quality to the videogames.

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Some videogame fans, however, argue that one should definitely first play the game before watching the show, purely for the sake of admiring the job HBO has done to adapt the series. Besides, if you plan to try playing the game, many fans believe that the show might "rob" you of your own experience, and in that case, you should start with the 2013 game before hitting the play button on the HBO show.

"What I love about The Last Of Us show so far is that it doesn't feel like just another video game adaptation. People who never played the game can still get into it as its own thing," Twitter user TRUESWOLDIER said.

The Last of Us premiered on HBO on January 15. The first season is set to consist of nine episodes, with the second one to arrive on the platform on January 22.

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