Silo Season 2 Finale May Have Confirmed a Plot Twist That Puts the Entire Show at Risk

Silo Season 2 Finale May Have Confirmed a Plot Twist That Puts the Entire Show at Risk
Image credit: Apple TV+

The series’ next season is about to start a new chapter, but the previous one’s mystery might remain unsolved for a while.

Apple TV ’s sci-fi hit Silo probably won’t take that long to come back to the screens, but the explanation for everything that happened in the second season’s finale might not be in the rush either. Based on Hugh Howey’s series of dystopian novels, Silo has so far covered only the first book’s storyline, with the third season confirmed to move on to the next chapter.

For those who haven’t yet reached Howey’s trilogy things can probably seem to be good, yet the fans who have already seen what the second instalment keeps in store are likely to debunk all the dreams about that cliffhanger’s quick resolution — in case the show won’t make some big changes in its timeline.

Silo’s Second Book Goes Back to the Roots of the Whole Story

So far, the show’s creators have already confirmed that the next instalment will now be based on Howey’s second book titled Shift; the catch here is the fact that it’s not even a continuation of the story started in the previous novel, but rather the latter’s prequel which dives deep into the history of silos and their initial purpose.

Going back in time, Shift doesn’t feature any of the already familiar characters, including Juliette, instead introducing a new set of leads that will push the plot line forward.

What This Means for Silo Season 3

Silo Season 2 Finale May Have Confirmed a Plot Twist That Puts the Entire Show at Risk - image 1

Considering that there are still no other plot details except for the mention of the second book, Silo’s next instalment now has several options. Naturally, Silo might follow the second book’s plot and alter its timeline, leaving Juliette’s fate on the hook for a while.

However, that doesn’t work properly in regard to the second season’s finale that didn’t make all things clear about whether Bernard and Juliette did survive the high temperature in the airlock chamber. Since Juliette is the essential part of the plot, it wouldn’t be very wise to exclude her entirely from the second season and make the viewers wait for the last couple of episodes to finally see what happened to the character.

Additionally, the show has already hinted at its decision to maintain balance between two different timelines by showing a flashback that definitely has something to do with the silos’ history.

Though this is good news for those who enjoy Rebecca Ferguson’s Juliette, distancing from the original source and adapting two timelines simultaneously might be quite a big challenge for Silo that risks losing its focus on both sides of the same story.

Currently, Silo season 3 is projected to be released in fall 2025, but the official release date is yet to be confirmed.

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